Chapter 13: How many girls have you slept with in the past month?

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"Tiff could you come here. A second." Logan said holding a very large box one of his professors asked him to move. I could help but laugh like who wouldn't? I walked over slowly taking my time making him a little angry. "What do you need?" I asked sweetly "could you help me move this box? There is stuff falling out the bottom!" He yelled. I grabbed the other side of the box helping him move it to the table. "Thanks you guys!" The old professor said happily.

"Ok I will see you Logan a few months from now" Professor Scatra said waving to us as we leave. "Well I think he is a nice professor" I said skipping ahead of Logan as we walked torwards the car. "Yea but I still think Mrs. Collin was my favorite" he said smiling to himself "no you just think she is hot" I laughed. "Yea that to"

We got in the car and drove to some stores because we have like no food what so ever, and having Logan in the same house it just does not work.


When we got home I felt so tired I could ly on the ground and just pass out. "Why am I so tired?" I asked laying on the couch. "Because you got up early this morning and you never do" he answered sitting by my feet. I lifted them up and set them on his lap and he began massaging them. I turned on the t.v. "what do you want for dinner" I asked switching through the channels. "How about some salad?" He asked "ok that's fine. I will cut stuff up here in a little bit." He nodded his head and we watched a movie I'm not exactly sure what it was. I started to fall asleep and i could feel Logan moving around, i felt him get up off the couch and then i felt a warm blanket being put on me. i snuggled up into it and i was almost asleep when i felt Logan kiss my head, this made me smile for some reason. I rolled over so i was on my side facing the back of the couch and soon fell asleep. 


My nap didn't last very long since Logan woke me up to tell me it was time to eat. I even told him i would cut the stuff up and he had to go and do it, he ticks me off sometimes. I slowly sat up and moved off of the couch to the little dinning area, I took a seat across from Logan and he gave me a big smile that put a smile on my face. God i hate when he does this especially when i am in a bad mood.  

"Since you fell asleep I did everything.. your welcome" he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and started eating, I felt sick so I ran towards the bathroom Logan came after me. I sat in front if the toilet and let everything I ate earlier out. Logan came in and sat beside me and rubbed my back. After I was finished I flushed the toilet and put the lid down and sat on it looking at Logan. "I'm going to get you some water" he said standing up and walking out to the kitchen. A few seconds payer he cake back with a tiny cup. "Ok don't drink it just like wash your mouth with it" he ordered.

I did as told and just rinsed my mouth and then spit it out in the sink. "Why do I always have to get sick?" I asked letting a few tears fall down my face thinking of my grandma because she's I was always sick she would take me to the couch and she would sit down and play with my hair as I fell asleep. "I don't know but what I do know is you will be fine" he said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "Um Logan can I ask you something?" I asked getting ready to lighten up the mood. "What?" He asked starting to worry. "How many girls have you slept with in the past month?" He looked at me confused and then started to think. "Uh maybe 3 different girls" he looked down at the ground. I laughed "dude really? can't you keep your hands to your self?" I took a second and he got what I was doing. "I am going to make a remix right here right now. You can't keep your hands to yourself" I sang as I left the bathroom. In case you didn't notice I was making a remix of the song hands to myself by Selena Gomez. But I changed it to you can't keep your hands to yourself, just never mind.

I walked to the bedroom and laid myself down on the bed and Logan came into the room and closed all the curtains and turned the light off. "Hey wait can you turn the fan on?"


So here is a short chapter sorry about how short they have gotten but i am sick and have been sick so i have been more worried about myself (not in a mean way) 

I will try and make the next chapter like 2,000 words or something 

I love you people please don't forget to vote it would mean everything.

ok cya

love you


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