Chapter 31

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So many things are running through my head right now. What is he doing.

Logan was kneeling on his one knee with a little black box with a big ring in it.

"Tiffany Joy. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. You make me smile, and this little baby of ours will be here real soon. I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, you and the baby of course" a few laughs scattered across the room. "You are my everything. So, Tiffany Joy will you marry me?"

A few tears ran down my face. I quickly wiped them away and moved my head in a yes motion. "Yes!" I yelled. Everyone around us laughed. He slid the ring onto my finger and then stood up. He gave me a kiss then knelt down to my belly.

"You hear that baby? Mommy said yes!" Right after Logan said that the baby kicked. I jumped a little and put my hand on my stomach where he or she had kicked me. "What's wrong?" Logan asked worriedly. "The baby just kicked for he first time" I smiled.

"So now we know someone else is happy about it" he laughed standing back up. He wrapped me in a hug, the only thing keeping us apart was my now big stomach.

"How about we go home now?" Logan asked. "Yeah, that sounds good."

He grabbed my hand and we walked out the door, well I wobbled and Logan walked. "I feel like a fucking whale" I whined having a hard time getting in the car. "You did get really big real quick" Logan laughed.

I shot him a glare and he tried to stop his laughing as much as possible. What a dummy.

You want to know how big my belly is now? Well it's big enough to where I can set a bowl or a plate on it and eat. Its pretty sad.

My mom got huge with me too. But I was a small baby.

"When we get home, do you want to watch some TV or do you want to go for a walk, we could sit on the porch, go to sleep. It's all up to you. Logan grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"When we get home I am going to get a shower so I can get the hair spray out of it then I am probably going to lay in bed and watch some TV." I answered.

Only a couple of minutes later, we pulled into the driveway.

I slowly got out of the car and got a sick feeling in my stomach. I knew I had to puke. I walked over to the edge of the drive way and motioned Logan to come hold my hair. He chuckled and walked over to me wrapping one of it arms around me and the other holding my hair.

Once I was finished Logan helped me into the house.

I walked up the steps making sure to hold onto the railing. I was getting wore out and tired.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I took my pants off and was about to take my shirt off, but it got stuck. I laughed at myself and walked over to the door. I opened it with my elbows and yelled for Logan. He ran up the steps and into the room, when he reaches the door he couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm a little stuck" he shook his head in agreement. "I can see that"

He pulled the shirt up off of me and then I turned back around. I shut the door and then finished getting un-dressed. I turned on the shower and got in.

I was washing my hair when the door to the shower opened. Logan stepped in with a big grin.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at me and laughed. "I thought you would need some company"

"I have enough company with this little one", I put my hand on my bare belly.

"You're so cute"

I giggled then got serious. "No trying anything. This is not cool when we have a baby in the room"

He started laughing, "you mean in the womb"

"Both" I giggled.

"Ok I won't try anything this time." He winked sending shivers down my spine.

I finished showering and so did Logan. He helped me out of the shower without slipping and then he grabbed me a towel. I tried to wrap it around me but it didn't fit.

"This is pissing me off! Why did I have to get so big?"

Logan looked at me with worry in his eyes. He thought I was going to cry. That how angry I was.

"Hey it happens. But think, as soon as you give birth you will miss being able to put your hand on your belly and talk."

I smiled at the thought of holding my baby in my arms.

"Now let's go get you dressed princess" Logan held my arm as we walked out of the bathroom. I could wall on my own still but he always has to be by my side weather I like it or not.

I sat down on the bed while Logan got out some clothes for me. I just sleep in my bra and underwear now because nothing really fits me.

He helped me put on my underwear since I can't bend down very well.

I put my bra on and then laid down on the bed on my back.

"This is crazy" I lifted up my hand and looked at the ring on my finger.

"You should have been the one proposing"

I couldn't stop looking at the beautiful ring.

"It's beautiful"

"Just like you princess"

I sat up and got onto my side of the bed. I slid under the covers, and Logan did the same. I snuggled up against him and put my head on his chest.

"We are engaged" I smiled.

"Yes, yes we are"

Logan played with my hair as I fell to sleep. God I love this boy.



So here is and update. Are you happy they are engaged?! I am.

I had fun writing that.

Who would have thought in the begging they would be getting ready to have a kid and they got engaged!

I never plan this book out, it just goes however. So it's pretty exciting.

I was reading the first few chapters over again and I was like wow.

But that's all I am going to say.

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