Chapter 18: Everything is going to be fine

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Skipping to when Tiff gets out of the hospital!!!

Today is the day I get out of the hospital, I have my two bestfriends beside me helping me get through what is all happening. As we walked through the quiet halls of the hospital I wondered where Logan has been. I haven't seen him in over 3 days, the last time I seen him was the day him and I fought. The only people that have been here with me have been Jacky and Ginger and their fighting is constant.

"So when we take you home you are suppose to go straight to bed and get some rest and you have to swear you will do that" Ginger said stopping in front of me and knocking me out of my thoughts. "Uh Yea sure" I said watching as her face went from happy so sad in a few seconds. "Everything is going to be fine" I said pulling her into a hug before we got in the car. I got in the passenger side and Jacky got in the driver side and of course Ginger got in the back. "Home you shall go!" Jacky smiled at me before paying attention to the dark black wet road. Yes, it has been raining here for maybe 2 days and the electricity went out in the hospital once but it came back on.

I sat my head up against the window and watched all the cars and tree's, and houses go by.


"We are now here" Jacky shut off the car and I exited out of the car and hurried to the house that I could now call mine.

I walked in and it was cold and dark and depressed, just like me.

I walked into the kitchen where I pictured my kid running around outside. I couldn't help but cry, so I ran up the steps into the master bedroom where I could tell was now my room. I quickly shut and locked the door and fell to the floor.

I laid there on the floor not thinking shout anything til I heard something I did not wan't to hear..

"Logan! Have you been smoking weed?!" Ginger yelled loud enough that the neighbors probably heard her and we have a big yard. I knew it was bad news so I just got off the floor and got on my bed.

Why would he just start doing this again?

Why now of all times?

I need him and he is going to be like this.

I thought maybe he would change.

All of these thoughts filled my head to the point I had a major headache. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet and there was nothing there other than new toothbrushes. I sighed and put the lid down on the toilet and sat down.

My mind was spinning and my heart was racing and I couldn't do anything about it, I felt the need to cry so that's what I did. I put my head in my hands and cried at this point in time I couldn't stop myself. Everything is getting worse when I thought it would become better.

"Tiff?" I heard someone slightly calling my name. "Are you okay?" They asked again, I couldn't tell who it was. "Tiffany are you okay?" They asked again but my head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. "If you don't answer me in 10 seconds I am busting through this door!" They yelled and I still couldn't tell who it was. My head was going nuts and thinking wasn't an option right now, so I just cried just like I always do. My mind was blank.


They just kept counting down.


I stood up way to fast and found myself snuggling with the ground now.


I was waiting patiently for this one and it seemed like it was taking forever.


Next thing I know I hear a load 'bang' and I was picked up off the floor.

"God Dammit! Why the hell can't you stay normal for more than an hour?"
I knew who it was and I didn't want to talk to him.

"Are you okay?" Logan asked laying me down on my back on my bed. My eyes are closed and I could talk and I wouldn't talk to him even if I wanted to. "Please talk to me!" He yelled, I could feel the hurt in his voice. I eat something wet on my arm and I knew right away that he was crying. I couldn't do this to him, so I had to open my eyes.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you" was all he was saying. He bent down and pulled me into a hug and I could smell the weed on him even though I could tell he trued covering it up with cologne. "Why?" Was all I said and he knew what I was talking about. "I couldn't take it anymore. Tiff it makes me feel like it is my fault" he cried.

"It's neither of our fault" I simply stated. He shook his head but replied "I know but I feel like its my fault. Like I did something wrong"
I sat back up against the head bored of my bed and looked at him. "Listen, if it is anyone's fault it is mine Bc my body wasn't ready" he shook his head is understanding. "Now go get a fucking shower Bc you stink like really bad" I ordered and he did as told and walked over to my dresser and pulled out clothes.

Wait why is his stuff in my dresser?

I had to ask "Uh I thought this was my room?" He laughed "We shared a room before so we are sharing one now"

I rolled my eyes and laid down on my side under the soft blankets and watched as he scrambled around the room trying to find stuff. I fell asleep soon after he went into the bathroom.


Hello again for the 3rd day in a row!

So yeah I decided on making up for not updating for a while.. so here I am again!!

So I hope you enjoyed this update and I don't know when I will update again.

So yeah

Love you

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