Chapter 9: what? Have you never seen a girl in her underwear?

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Chapter 9: What? Have you never seen a girl in her underwear?

I am right now trying to fill out some college stuff so I can get ready to move into a small apartment across town because my school is only a hour or so away so I am just going to go there. Logan suggested that he moved in with me, I really tried talking him out of it but he said no because he is going to a school that is like 5-15 minutes away from to place I am moving in to.

His mom said it would be a good idea but in all honesty why would he Wat to move in with me. I mean Yea I am a good person in all but really I am going to be in school for 2 years. So that is 2 years he will or would be staying with me. Let's just say this should be a different kind of experience.


Logan and I are looking at the apartment I got that was basically on campus but wasn't considered on campus. We walked in and I payed the guy the money for it and we walked around looking at all the things that would need redone before we would even consider this a home. Like the paint on the wall and the bathroom needs a little work, but other than that it's nice.

"Ok so we have one bedroom and a bathroom a full kitchen and a big living room" The guys said that was showing us around. I jumped at the words one bedroom. "Wait.. wait I got told there were two bedrooms not just one"
He looked at me then at Logan. "Sorry but you should have came earlier, they are all sold" he spoke. "We can't do that we need two different bedrooms" I spoke back. "I'm sorry sir what she is trying to say is it is perfectly fine. I think we can manage" Logan spoke up. "Wait.." I yelled right as the man left. "What the hell was that?" I questioned Logan. "I was helping you and him" he said pointing to the door. "How are we suppose to share one room" I asked him raising my voice. "Again we can manage" I stood there "and now we are going to get stuff to start cleaning this place up. Because this is our own place I mean what more could two teens want?" He went on. I laughed and then grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter. There was no carpet or furniture in the living room so that was the first thing. But before that we have to paint so we will get that done today. "Let's go get paint for this fucking living room" I snapped walking out the door. Logan stopped and locked the door as he left and I meet him in my car.
I sat there as he got in the car smiling like a freak. "Baby girl you do realize this isn't going to be that bad. I mean for us this place is going to be PERFECT!" He yelled. I tried to stop from laughing but it was hard because he just was being so bubbly. I leaned towards the window and let a smile creep on my face.


We got the paint and we are having the carpet brought to the apartment later while we paint they will be bringing it in. I got out of the car and opened the door for Logan as he carried the paint in. He sat them down on the floor before we looked around and then began.


We got done painting and the people brought the carpet in and they said when we need it put in just give them a call so we will do that tomorrow. We didn't really want to go back home so we decided on staying here at the apartment. "Well where are we going to sleep?" I asked. There was a queen sized bed that was not comfortable at all. "We can sleep in that bed" he said pointing to the old bed. "Ok were are you going to sleep?" I asked. "Did you not notice that I sat we?" He questioned. "Fine but only because there is no where else"
I took off my pants and Logan looked at me with wounder. "What? Have you never seen a girl in her underwear?" I laughed. "Of course I have just not you" He said sounding a little embarrassed. I laughed and then got in turning my back towards him. I was almost asleep when he rolled over and put his arm around me and pulled me up against him. I then fell asleep felling ok on the inside.


I woke up and slid out of bed trying not to wake Logan up, but I failed. "Could you drive to dunkin donuts and get me some breakfast?" He asked in his raspy morning voice. "Yea" I said walking towards the door but he stopped me. "Wait... Could you kiss me?" He asked trying to be innocent. I walked towards him and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "That's not what I mean't but whatever" he rolled back over and fell back to sleep. I laughed a little then got in my car and drove to Dunkin Donuts.


I got back to the apartment and unlocked the door and they keys on the kitchen counter then set the other stuff that consist of food for Logan on the counter beside my keys. I took off my shoes and walked back the little hall to the bedroom and found Logan sitting up in the bed shirtless playing on his phone. I walked in and smiled at him after he gave me a little wink. "I got some food come and get it if you want it" I said walking out. "Wait.. why do you always walk away when I go to say something? Anyways could you bring it in here and sit with me?" He asked giving me a cheesy smile that made me fall for it. I grabbed the stuff and walked back in and handed him a bagel and a drink and I got my food out. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then we ate.

The rest of the day consist of us watching the people put the carpet down and us fighting over what bed we should get. Since we came to a agreement that it was ok to share a bed as long as there are no hands going in different places not aloud.
Then we picked out a couch and some different things for the living room. I went to the house after shopping and got both of us a bag of clothes to stay at the apartment while Logan stayed back helping put the people put the bedroom carpet in.

I got us some blanket and pillows and stuff for the bed. I also grabbed some food put of the fridge to bring with me to the apartment.

When I got back Logan already had the bed set up and ready to make and was sitting in on the living room floor since there is not furniture. We painted the living room a light brown and we are going to decorate with yellow accessories. We painted the bedroom a tan color and we are decorating it with black and brown. We are doing the bathroom in a beach theme and the kitchen in going to be the same as the living room. We have brown carpet for both the living and bed room.

Logan stood up and helped me carry stuff in. I made the bed and put the food in the new fridge we got. Then we went to bed falling asleep peacefully in our new comfy bed.


So here is another update. Again don't forget to vote it would he greatly appreciated!!

I might do another update tonight but I don't really know because I have to study stupid history... I know my life sucks but anyways Yea.

I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed this and tell me what you think is going to happen with Logan and Tiff.

Love you

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