Chapter 25

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"Hey you guys made it!" Colin said over excitedly, I rolled my eyes as he pulled me in for a hug. "It's been forever since I have seen my little sis!" He started giving me kisses all over my face, I pushed him off and whipped my face off. "That's for the slobber all over my face" I backed up moving out of the way so he couldn't attack me again. I turned around and came face to face with a lady, I screamed a little before backing up again and bumping into Colin. "Tiff this is Abrial my soon to be wife" he pulled her into a hug "It's called a fiance" she said pushing him off. He shook his head and walked over to Logan he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him up the stairs. "Uhm hi my name is Abrial, you already know that but whatever. I am 19 going on 20" she stuck out her hand for me to shake which I gladly except.

"You are prettier than what Colin described you to be!" She said looking at me from my head to my toes. "Thanks!" I replied back to her compliment. "Colin told me you had black hair?" I said more as a question, "well you see, I swear your brother is color blind because my hair is brown of course you can see. I try to tell him that but he always says it is black when it really isn't" we both laughed. "I think Colin went to show that guy his game room" she grabbed my hand and took me up some steps that lead to a huge game room with a small fridge. "Wow!" I said in shock "this is amazing!" I yelled running to the big bean bags to sit on.


We have been here at Colin's for over 5 hours, Abrial went to go order pizza so Logan, Colin, and i were sitting in the game room talking.

"Do you like her?" Colin asked

"She is way better than I thought she was going to be" I replied.

"What's your favorite part about her?"

There was a long pause from me trying to think "I really love her personality and she is extremely pretty"

He shook his head in agreement "yeah that is exactly why I love her"

I want a relationship like Abrial and Colin, they are always laughing and smiling. With there relationship you can tell they love each other, it is the cutest thing ever. Abrial told me when they first started dating he would take her to a bunch of different quiet places with lots of flowers. If you ask me Colin does not seem like the one that is good with romance, but then again Abrial did say he likes to watch chick flicks, so it's hard to tell.

"Ok the pizza will be ready in a half an hour, so someone will have to come with me to pick it up" she said happily sitting on Colin's lap. "I will go with you" I said raising my hand, "good we will get to spend time together! Also we may want to leave now because it is going to take us a while to get to the pizza shop". We both stood up and Abrial gave Colin a hug and kiss, Logan stood up next to me and grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in for a big hug. "Please be careful" he whispered in my ear, "I will" I said letting go and pecking hid cheek. With that we got in the car to get pizza.


"Hear a new song it's your favorite but pretty soon you'll be changing the Station
And all your old shoes are lookin' brand new they want to be worn but never get the chance to
Heavy into everything ready for the next thing to catch your eye for a while then your over it
You change your mind on it as soon as the shines gone
Like you always do"

Abrial and I sang as we were driving back to the house, surprisingly we have alot in common and that includes loving Sam Hunt. Turn out that Abrial and I have the same taste in almost everything, she loves shoe shopping I also love shoe shopping. She enjoys listening to music as for me I do to.

Abrial turned the music down and looked over at me for a quick second. "You know, when I first met your brother he was determined to find you and be the big brother he always wanted to be. I was shocked at how bad he wanted to find you, because if I were him and my parents gave me up I wouldn't have went to look for you. He was so excited when he found out where you lived, like when I say excited I mean he was literally screaming and running around the house, no joke. It makes me smile because of how you guys didn't personally know each other, and how happy you guys are with each other. I have always wanted a family like that, someone who cares for me no matter what mistakes took place. I just wanted to let you know your brother seriously loves you with all his heart. He will never love me as much as he loves you, and that doesn't hurt me because I know it's best for the both of you" by the time she stopped talking I was in tears, "That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. You just made my day 10 times better" I smiled at her and we continued back to the house.


"I will see you in a week or two" Colin said giving me a hug goodbye. "Alright that sounds good for me" I gave Abrial a hug and we left the house. "That went well!" Logan said happily, I smiled at him "Yes, yes it did". "How about we go for some late night ice-cream and call it a date?" Logan asks as we enter the car, "I would like that" I smiled at him.


Hello..... It's me.....

So here is another update peep's!

The whole date thing is like a change in there relationship don't you think?

Do you think Logan is going to change for Tiffany or Nah?

Please don't forget to vote and stuff!!


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