Chapter 8: You scared the Shit out of me

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When I woke up I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Logan wasn't in bed he must of got up earlier this morning. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail tying a little pink bow around it making it look pretty. I then went to my room and went to my closet, i picked out a little pink dress. For some reason I am in a pink mood. I grabbed a pair of white shoes to put downstairs and I made sure I looked fine before I left my room.

When I got downstairs Logan was in the kitchen sitting on the counter singing while watching some bacon cook. I silently walked over behind him and sat down, he didn't even hear me. I sat there as he sang Downtown by Macklemore and Ryan lewis. A timer went off so he jumped off the counter and walked towards the stove. He then started to sing All Of Me by John Legend. I tried to not laugh but it was hard because of the way he was dancing. He turned around and screamed bloody murder when he seen me. "Oh my god Tiff you scared the Shit out of me!"
I really couldn't stop my laughter then. His face was priceless! "Oh my. Logan your face!" I laughed trying to calm myself down.

Logan gave me a death glare before sitting beside me and handing me some bacon. "Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked.
"Uh Yea. Again I'm sorry about that I don't know why I did that"
He gave me a sympathetic look before speaking again. "Tiff it's not your fault really. You are grieving and people have different ways of doing that" I the let a fee tears fall from my eyes. "Yea I know but I have to toughen up. You know? I am going to college soon and I need to grow up" By now whipping away my tears would just be a waist of energy. "Tiff you don't have to brave. You basically lost everyone in your family. You definitely don't have to grow up. If I were you I would be locked in my room probably not eating and just being so depressed. And you, you just take it so well I honestly have no idea on how you do it." I looked towards the floor but he lifted my face a whipped away a few tears that were running down my face. "You never have to be tough at messy not around me"
I reached for him and he did the same for me. I wrapped myself into his chest and took in the amazing smell of his cologne. He played with my hair as I cried into his chest. "Tiff I never want you to be tough around me" this made me melt on the inside because he actually cares. I shook my head in agreement and he carried me to the couch and I snuggled against him and we watched some TV.


I was lying on my back watching TV while Logan was in the shower. I was watching American Crime, one of the best shows ever. My phone went off and I jumped up running over to it. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Ginger. She hasn't talked to me in like forever so this is new. I quickly answered.

"Hello?" She said more as a question.
"Hey" I answered.
"How are you?"
"Good I guess Logan has been taking care of me"
"Yea I knew he would that is why I told him he should stay with you. But he said he was already planning that so.."
"Yea he is actually a really good help"
"Well I had a bad dream last night and he came in and checked on me. He went to leave but I asked him if he could stay and he did. So that was very kind"
"Awe my little brother is growing up!"
"Ginger you do realize you are only older than him by 15 minutes right?"
"Uh Yea. But I am 15 minutes older so technically he is my little brother"
"Whatever, haha"
"Exactly no comment because you know its true"
"Yea, sure. But seriously he has been really sweet and it is starting to scare me a little"
"Don't worry. Under all that bad ass there is a really sweet guy that will do anything for the people he li...."
"For the people he what?"
"Please don't tell on me!"
"Ok now what?"
"For the people he likes"
"What's so wrong with him liking people?"
"Because you are one of them"

I gasped and then Logan walked in the room.
"Uh, ginger I have to go bye!"
I hung up quickly before he could hear anything else. "What was that?"
Logan asked. "Oh just you sister asking how I was" I answered. "So why did you hang up like that?" He asked. I didn't know what to do or say, everything just happened so fast. My heart is racing.

He like me?
It can't be he always picked on me and called me names! he smokes weed and cigarettes and does alot of other things.
This cannot be happening to me right now!

"Hello Tiff you there?" Logan snapped me out of my thoughts. "Uh Yea sorry just thinking." I said releasing what air I was holding in. "Don't think to hard your tiny brain might explode" he laughed and then walked away.
"Oh. My. God." I said once again releasing some air. That was really close like really close.

I sat on the couch and laid my head back and closed my eyes.

Ok now Tiff she could have been kidding, or not.
What is she talking about he is just being nice because he... Because he... Oh my god there is no other reason!

I caught myself going to sleep so I had to stand up and move around. I went to the laundry room and decided on doing some laundry since now that Logan had some to I have to start doing laundry more often. I put the colored in first then sat on top of the washer.


The clothes finally got done in the washer so I went and put another load in while they were in the dryer. I don't really mind doing laundry it's just dishes that I hate. I also have to sweep the living room and clean the kitchen and my room and the bathroom. I just need to clean.

I went out to the living room and Logan was asleep on the couch with a box of cookies on his chest. Laughing I got my phone out and snapped a picture. I didn't really know what to do now so I decided on picking on Logan. So I stood right above him and screamed making him jump up off the couch and grab my waist as if he was being protective. I really couldn't help but laugh so I fell to the ground holding my stomach because it hurt from laughing. "Why would you do that?" He whined "I thought someone was killing you! It scared the Shit out of me" he continued. I couldn't even look at him without laughing so he picked me up and walked outside to the pool. I screamed at him alot before he threw me in. When I came up from underwater there was another splash and I knew it was Logan. He swam over to me and pulled me in for a hug. Then he pulled me under without a warning.

When I came back up he looked at my expression and laughed. It honestly isn't that bad having him around now that he isn't picking on me. Also he has been sober for over a month now and I hadn't caught him smoking anything so that is a good thing.


Hey guys please don't forget to vote. Like seriously I love it if you guys would. Also I don't know when I am going to update again!! But Yea

Love you

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