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Chapter 9 Continued

"I love it." He grinned.

"You love it!" Sophie clapped her hands in excitement. "You scared the hell out of me. You had me a bit worried. I think it's one of my best ideas."

"But as to my instant reaction." He shot her a sidelong glance. "I wanted to find out whether you had skinny dipped. I'm assuming not?"

"I'm the girl who's taking swimming lessons and you're asking me whether I've skinny dipped?" She arched her eyebrows questioningly. "I told you, so now you tell me."

Sophie noticed his lips twitching. He was definitely flirting with her.

"I didn't notice any photos of anyone on your desk?" he said, evading her question. "No pictures of family... surprising for daddy's little girl. I would have thought there'd at least be a picture of him here."

"Nope, no picture of Dad."

"Nothing of Mum?"


"You're not a photo type of girl then, are you, because there's nothing of your boyfriend?" Matthew looked down at her hand, examined it for a moment. "Boyfriend is correct, isn't it? You're not married are you? Or maybe you swing the other way? I mean, it's okay whatever your situation is but when it comes to you, I have been known to miss important facts," he grinned, "like you not being able to swim while working on my own 'learn to swim' campaign."

Sophie shot him a glance. "No, no pictures."

"No pictures because...."

"Long story. I broke up with someone a little while ago. A man." She caught Matthew's expression and laughed. "I can't believe that I'm clarifying my sexuality which is really quite irrelevant."

He howled with laughter. "You never know these days."

"I really don't know whether that's a compliment or not."

"You're been quite elusive when it comes to some facts."

She stared at him. "You've been quite evasive when it comes to getting into contact."

"Fair enough." His gaze twinkled. "So about the boyfriend, what happened?"

"He didn't like my promotion at Clarks... apparently I work too hard."

"You do seem to work too hard, considering we're the only ones here and you're planning to take more work home. You want to win a chocolate account do you?"

"Yes. Barney's Chocolate Bars." A thought occurred to her; why was she telling him all this? Just because he'd asked, it didn't mean she had to reveal anything about her private life. Yet she knew nothing about him.

"So that was a real explanation about all those chocolate wrappers in your Mary Poppins bag."

She swivelled to face him directly. "I had to taste each bar. It's all part of the job."

"That must have been quite a task for you. Easier than swimming?" Matthew raised an eyebrow. "So how long has your boyfriend been out of the picture?"

"That's a little tricky – half my stuff is still at his house. But he is seeing someone else." Sophie's stomach suddenly tied itself in knots. "I ran into him two days after I'd moved out. I was out buying the dreaded swimsuit and he was with someone else. Possibly an overlap there."

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