The Dorchester

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The companion novel Skinny Cappuccino is also available via Amazon stores. 

Chapter 24 Continued

The next day while Jessica led the Brighton filming to complete the 'Skinny Dipping' commercial, Sophie jumped into a taxi to The Dorchester. The conversation with Jessica kept revolving in her head. Something didn't quite make sense. Bradley wasn't the type of boss who bought his staff their favorite perfume.

Think, Sophie, think.

She jumped out of the taxi. There was something in the back of her mind. Something felt unsettling. But what? The doorman practically genuflected as she entered the hotel. The scent of fresh flowers floated around the room, a sickly sweet sent which made her feel even more uneasy. Something is wrong.

The receptionist glided over to her, recognising the awe on her face as she looked at the patterned carpet, the grand sweeping staircase, and the glamorous women wearing jaw-dropping jewels. She was escorted to the main restaurant and introduced to the maître d'.

"I have a reservation under the name of Bradley Clark. Has he arrived yet?"

"Yes. There's a table booked for two." A table for two. When was the last time Bradley had asked her to lunch? Or asked any of his staff to lunch...

"Yes. That's right." Taking a large breath, trying to settle her apprehension, Sophie followed the maître d'.

She was suddenly very nervous, the type of nervousness which formed in her chest and made her legs feel like they wouldn't respond. Why did Bradley want to see her for lunch? Was it really because he thought she did amazing work? Was it really to make amends because he'd thrown her off the pitch for Barney's Chocolate Bars? Would Bradley really ever appreciate her efforts? Her long hours? The way she loved her job?

Sophie was led to a table with a spectacular view overlooking the garden.

Bradley was already seated and smiled upon noticing her. "Sophie, glad you came. I was getting worried."

A different waiter, wearing black and white, appeared almost like an apparition. He pulled a seat out from the table and helped her sit down. Then just as he'd appeared, he disappeared somewhere into the folds of the restaurant, as if by magic.

Sophie settled herself into her seat and then noticed something sitting on the empty plate in front of her: a bag of Chanel, just like Jessica had mentioned. "I wouldn't miss coming to lunch at The Dorchester." She noticed Bradley eyeing her carefully, and he nodded that she should open the bag. A look of amusement flashed across his face as she opened the package up in haste.

"You know this is my favorite perfume," she said, feigning surprise.

"Well I have known you for years—over three years— working at Clarks, isn't it?"

"Yes. That's right," she said, taking the bottle out of the package and sniffing. "Thanks so much for this. Is there some special reason?"

He leaned back in his chair and grinned. "You've worked so hard you see. Today the ad campaign for the Silver account is pretty much completed." Bradley smiled his slow, greasy smile.

"Yes," Sophie started, not quite trusting Bradley's explanation. "Desmond's getting the last lot of footage, and of course then there's the editing left, but otherwise we're done. We've hit a home run, I think. We've billed the client a hell of a lot, but so far the work looks amazing."

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