The Misunderstanding

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Chapter 13 Continued

She strode to Matthew who already stood at the counter, grinning at the menu. Mickey looked up from polishing her coffee machine. A slight scream escaped Mickey's lips and she dropped her cloth. Mickey raced round the counter and flung her arms around Matthew's neck. She hugged him hard.

Sophie's heart beat fast in her chest as she watched Mickey hold Matthew. Finally Mickey released him and Sophie realised she was invisible, standing behind Matthew. His broad shoulders practically blocked her from Mickey's view.

"I haven't seen you for an eternity," Mickey scolded Matthew playfully. Her green eyes glittered. "Where have you been for the last year? I've missed you and our chats."

Sophie swallowed. Was this coincidence simply that: a coincidence? Her chest tightened, as Mickey threw her head of long red hair back and laughed.

Matthew shrugged. "I've been away travelling," he said. "But I couldn't stay away from Beans for much longer."

Mickey laughed and tilted her head flirtatiously up at Matthew. He looked extremely pleased to see her too and ran a hand through his blond hair.

Sophie opened her mouth to speak, yet words failed to form.

"Where's Rebecca?" Mickey asked and raised a manicured eyebrow.

Matthew flinched at the sound of Rebecca's name and momentarily avoided meeting Mickey's eyes.

Realisation struck Sophie and she felt a little light headed. Of course. Matthew and Rebecca must have been customers of Beans.

Matthew gulped. "Michelle, I want you to meet someone."

"Please call me Mickey."

"Mickey," he paused. "This is my good friend Sophie." He looked back over his shoulder and stepped aside to push Sophie forward. "As I said Soph, this is my favorite cafe in the world. I've been coming here since Beans opened."

Mickey's jaw dropped. An ear-to-ear grin reached every corner of Mickey's face. She released a howl of delight.

"Easy tiger," Matthew muttered as Mickey launched at Sophie and embraced her.

"What are you doing here? Both of you? Together? How do you even know each other?" Mickey's gaze flittered between the pair.

Matthew stared at Mickey, taking in her long red hair. "You know each other?"

"We certainly do," Sophie said. "This is Mickey, my best friend. She was supposed to come out that night we had drinks...."

"So you're not just my fabulous customer Matthew. You're Matthew Silver, the swimming coach," Mickey said. "It's nice to formally meet you." She extended her hand and the pair grinned moronically and pumped palms.

"Yeah, we spoke on the phone only a few nights ago to organise the big move," Matthew said wearing a sheepish expression on his face. "Such a small world."

The light in Mickey's smile faded. "Um...." A line etched in her forehead.

Mickey grabbed Sophie by the arm and dragged her to the rear of the café, leaving Matthew standing alone by the counter. Mickey gestured madly at the wall. "Recognise anyone?" she said. "There's a picture of Matthew about five years ago when Beans opened." She shot a glance over her shoulder, toward him and then looked at Sophie.

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