Drinking and Dialling

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Chapter 10 Continued

"So," she said, feeling her body stiffen a little, all men were the same weren't they? Sophie extracted herself, removing her hands from his by brushing down her coat. "It's kind of cold isn't it? Want to go inside?"

"Yeah." He said turning away immediately, taking a few empty bottles from the garden table. "Do you still want to go and see Carol's show with me? I mean, I don't want to break a promise but I don't want to make you do something you don't want to do."

"Like the swimming?" she said as they walked into the kitchen. Sophie placed the glass bottles in the trash.

"You'll grow to love the swimming," he replied. "So how about it? Should we go, or should we give it a miss?"

She noticed Carol and Josh, making out intensely on the couch. The girlfriend code was to give them space, and she found herself alone in the kitchen with Matthew.

"Sure, we should totally go to the ballet. Um...you know I just recently broke up with Derek."

"It's just the ballet." He shrugged. "Anyway Carol was saying it would be a group thing with your friend, Mickey, going too. There's no pressure. It's just a night out with a group of people to support Carol."

"We should go. I'll talk to Mickey. But the reason I brought up Derek is because you see, half my stuff is still at his place."

He nodded a few times as if deep in thought. "I think you need to go and get your things." His eyes locked with hers.

It felt like thousands of tiny shivers ran through her body. "I think you're right," she said, pulling her eyes away from his.

"Do you need some help?" He thrust his hands in his pockets. "I mean, I've got a car and can help and all that. You can't move on with your life while your stuff is still at his place."

Sophie nodded. She had an idea. "I know. I'm going to ring him and arrange it for this weekend. Saturday. I'm going to pick everything up on Saturday. There's no time like the present."

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. I'm going to call him and arrange it all."

Matthew's face looked suddenly stricken. "You don't mean now. Sophie? It's late. It's not a good idea."

Sophie felt confident, with alcohol whirling through her body. "No, I'm going to ring him."

"You've had quite a few drinks. Trust me. You'll regret it." He looked intensely at her.

"No, this is perfect."

"You could always send a text if you feel like you must. A text is not so in-your-face as a 2 a.m. wake-up call."

"I'm doing it."

"I want you to ask Carol first. Ask Josh, even ask Mickey, but it's not a good idea to drink and dial."

"Don't you want to help me?" She glanced quickly at him. "I thought you'd to be on my side."

"Trust me when I tell you this: It's not a good idea. And you can trust me to help you, but I think you'll feel much better in the morning. Even though you'll probably be all hung over and stuff. Sleep on it, okay," he urged.

"Okay, but just so I know, you're free this Saturday, the day after tomorrow which is Friday? Is that correct?"

He nodded his head vigorously. "Yes, tomorrow is Friday and I'm free on Saturday."

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