An unexpected response

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The lesson was very interesting and I had got a few new numbers in my phone off my fellow classmates. Miss Turning called time and I packed my bags and was ready to leave when she asked to see me, I felt mixed emotions as her hand brushed mine as I turned to her and said "sure". I sat down opposite her looking directly into her eyes and seeing a glint in them. Anticipation of what she wanted to ask me.

"Hi Holly" she said. And then started talking about my reasons for college and my interests. I told Miss Turning about wanting to be a teacher and to see the world. She listened intently leaned forward and said "one of the words of your speech piqued my interest", my heart was racing, perhaps Miss Turning was a lesbian too. "Holly, the college has its own chess club which I run, come along and I can assess your playing skill". Hmm not the answer I expected, I let my enthusiasm run wild. I told her I would love to join the club.

I arose and shook her hands. Miss Turning then said "outside of class call me Debi". I smiled at this, took the club details and looked forward to seeing her there.

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