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** I just wanted to take the time to answer a question which has been posed to me regarding the events of this story and here I will clear up the points in order to give you a better understanding**

From the questionnaire I mentioned that my first lesbian experience was at the age of 15, this happened with my best friend Jacqui - her being 2 years older than me had already a little more experience so I confessed my feelings to her, well we kissed and after a couple of dates slept together. Jacqui had come out to her parents the year before and they accepted her for that, her mother was very supportive but her dad felt it was just as phase and she would eventually meet a nice man, how wrong they were but they never changed their opinion and I think they secretly hope she might have a grandchild for them someday.

For me, it was different I was nervous about telling my parents even though they were lovely people and wouldn't judge so when I came out to them I took Jacqui with me but they wouldn't accept it and did insist in was a phase that I would get out of and that if I had not found a boy to have sex with and make this "alright" in their heads by my 16th Birthday that they would disown me and send me to live with a relative, my 16th came and went and I came many times with a beautiful girl on that night and my parents did what they said they would and so I moved to live with my aunt close to the far side of town in France.

The story of my life gets worse, they were killed when their car was hit by a train at a level crossing after it stalled. I stayed with my aunt until I was 18 and then used the money they left me to get my own apartment which im using at the time of the story. It had been asked why I had never mentioned parents during my chapters, so this is why.

Debi on the other hand lost her parents too, her mother died from leukaemia when she was 61 and her father aged 63 from a heart attack brought on by excessive drinking.

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