Here's to Future Days - Part Two

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Our meeting lasted well up to early afternoon and we ended up ordering lunch and Mariah joined us during her break. As we waited for our food, I opened the piece of paper which Mariah had left me and as expected it had a phone number on it, I put the number in my phone and got up to go find the toilet, I mouthed a "come with me" to Mariah and we left Jessica sitting while I found out the reason for her message.

No toilet humour here please....

Once inside, Mariah turned to me and said "I know what your thinking, but the phone number was for you but its Jessica that I want". I smiled big time and told her that I would see what I could do, oops did I just agree to become a matchmaker again ?

After lunch we said good bye to Mariah and we took the short walk across the park down to the beach. This area of town was fortunately blessed with a few seaside districts and the one we were at tended to get busy fairly quickly.

At the beach I quickly located Jacqui locked in a deep embrace with a mystery girl, and I had to tap her on the shoulder to make her aware of my presence. She looked up and smiled at me, "Hey Holly, who's your hot friend?", then she squinted her eyes and said Jess!! How u been? Jess looked at her with daggers and wanted to say something, but I stopped her. She turned around to me and said "Sorry Holly, but that bitch, your friend, hurt Mariah really bad". I nodded and said "I know she did", Jessica looked at me as if asking how "She does it with everyone".

I told Jessica to cool it, this meeting with Jacqui was important, so I asked her to put aside her feelings for now and promised she could rant and rave all she wanted later.

I pulled Jacqui aside and asked if she could get rid of her "Floozie". She went across to this girl, they chatted for a while, Jacqui stuck her tongue down the girls throat while fondling her breasts and then she left.

I think if it she didn't have a cat suit on that Jessica would have had her hand in her knickers but instead she just looked on in wonder.

Jacqui walked across the sand to us and said "There u go, I did as u asked, now what is so urgent u needed to see me and why did you bring Jess with you".

I told her the full story as quickly as possible and watched her reaction, as u know she is my best friend even if she parades herself around like a prostitute, hang on that's unfair to prostitutes!! and her opinion was important. "So before I go and make a major ass of myself I need to know if im doing the right thing". Jacqui looked at me ...."You want my honest opinion?", "Yes I think you should before this woman completely messes with your head, you need answers and yes I think this is the best way to do that". I looked up at Jacqui half expecting her to be sleazy and make some remark about the whole thing but she was quite laid back and that worried me.

"Holly, u know I love you and I don't want u to get hurt over some girl, remember the last one?"

"Of course I remember the last one but that's not important now is it".

"Yes Holly it is, because you became besotted with her and when she broke your heart you obsessed over her instead of getting over and moving on".

She was right of course... so my mind was made up, surprisingly Jessica decided against talking to Jacqui and she walked away with me. I thanked Jacqui for her advice and promised to let her know the outcome......."Hey Holly, send me the pictures instead. You know what im like with words" xx

Forbidden Fruit - (Book 2 of my Life Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon