Plan of Action

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On the bus home I was texting with Jacqui about the nights events, fairly routine until I mentioned the kissing and Debi giving me her mobile number. The line went quiet for a bit then Jacqui said "nice one holly, so you obviously want to fuck her". I went red, but she was wrong there, what I wanted was for Debi to fuck me and somehow I could see that happening sooner rather than later. Was I ready to go that far, I mean I've only known her a few days but can feel the spark. Only a girl knows when the time is right and to meet this was the time. I spoke to Jacqui for a bit longer and agreed to meet with her on the Sunday. I got home close to 11pm went straight up to bed and flipped open my phone and wrote a message to Debi

"Hi Debi, just got in and so here I am doing what you asked, it was good to spend time with you and hopefully my kissing you didn't offend too much, to be honest I surprised myself. I'm going to bed but hope to hear from you and read your reply in the morning".

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