Making Contact

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After class was over, I switched on my phone and checked for messages. There were 8 messages from Debi on it, and in those messages she more or less talked about why she was not in the college today but she asked that I give her a call on my next break so as to explain it better. The next class was due to start in 20 minutes which gave me enough time to leave the grounds and make the call.

Debi answered on the second ring and I got the first words in "What the hell is going on Debi, I've read your texts but they don't make sense, is it me?". Debi paused for quite a while and said "No Holly its not you, but after u left last night I realised the enormity of things that have happened between us and I felt guilty, stupid I know but I don't think I would have been able to be in the same room as you without touching you, or even kissing you".

I smiled at that last comment, "To be honest Debi I would have loved that and im sure it would have been accepted by the other members of the class as a sign of affection". "Why do you say that" she said in what I could only describe as a horrified voice. " turns out that all the girls in the class are lesbians, and lets just say that they think your extremely hot, plus if you showed them the same affection then you would be totally fine".

Debi giggled at this response, "However I've decided to take a few days off, I need to get some serious housework done including changing the bed sheets, turns out their was a gigantic wet spot in the middle, although I cant think who that came out of", oh god she was bad and turning me on no end.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Well aside from the housework, I need to pay a call to the cemetery. I will explain the reason for that when I next see you, this evening if your free ?".

I was a little concerned leaving her alone but felt that the time apart may be what we needed "Ummm, Im sorry Debi not tonight...Ive made friends with the girls in the group Amber, Tess and Hayley and we are going to meet up in the town and have a few drinks and a game of bowling"

Debi understood perfectly and encouraged it too, she was a little upset to not be seeing me but I promised to call by her house at the end of the night if it wasn't too late.

With that I heard a bell chiming and realised that break was over but before I cancelled the call I told Debi one last thing "I just wanted to say I really do miss you, I miss your voice, your smile, your scent, oh forget that, I miss everything about u and I cant wait to be in your arms again". I think Debi was probably taken aback by this because their was a long pause. I had to go, we said our goodbyes and I closed the call, and made my way to the next class.

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