Here's to Future Days - Part One

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I had been rehearsing what to say to Jessica when I saw her this morning and had already changed the wording at least 15 times, in the end I decided it would be easier to just be myself, take a few deep breaths and go with the flow. Anyone would think I was going to ask her out on a date!!

I gathered my belongings together, locked the door behind me and started the short walk across town to the park.

It was closely approaching ten o clock in the morning and the park was already lightly packed with parents and their children feeding the ducks, pensioners sat on benches reading papers and having an angry natter about the latest politic row or the news from last night, I had agreed to meet Jessica at the cafe in the centre of the park. I took a seat outside as a beautiful young girl approached my table "Good Morning, are you here to order some food or drink?". I looked up at her smiling face and said "Thankyou, but im meeting a friend and we will order something when she arrives", she continued to smile and said she would come back in a while. Her smile was really infectious and she had the build to match, an air of confidence in her walk too, I suspected and perhaps hoped that she was a lesbian and would see about getting her number later, in the meantime more pressing concerns fogged my brain.

Jessica appeared just as the waitress was leaving and took a seat across from me. She was dressed a lot different from college in a tight fitting leather catsuit. I think my eyes boggled at the sight before me, she too smiled infectiously and for a moment I lost track of time................

I regained composure and asked her if she wanted a drink, we called back the waitress who beamed in surprise "Hi Jess, what u doing here? Is this your new girlfriend". Jessica looked up and with a glint in her eye said "Hi Mariah, no this is a very good friend from college, meet Holly". We formally shook hands but from her reaction I could see that she was mesmerised by Jessica's outfit. Two diet coke spritzers please. Mariah took our order and said she would be back shortly.

So Jessica, or should I call you Jess? She looked at me with that innocent look in her eye. I asked her how she knew Mariah and said that she was the sister of an ex girlfriend. I looked up at Mariah just as she approached the table with our spritzers, I asked for a copy of the bill which she gave and I gave her a £5 note and said keep the change, she thanked me and handed across a piece of paper. On the top it said "Ring me, my number is ************". I pocketed the paper as Mariah walked away.

Now to business....

I told Jess to not worry but I needed her help with Debi, and this is what I told her

"Jess, I just wanted to say that you were right about everything, I have been seeing Debi and in an exact mirror to your story, we did indeed get together and spend time together which led to me spending time at her house and her bed", "She told me she loves me and has never had these feelings she does before and I believed her, I still want to believe her, but now that you have come on to the scene I need to find out if this is all one big seduction shrouded in lies and deceit or whether it means something else"

Jessica pondered silently as I spoke, and her gaze did not drift but she did nod her head as I told her exactly what she was hoping to hear. What I said next I felt would shock her though.

"I thought long about what you had told me and only one thing grabbed my attention, the statement you made about Debi 'turning straight girls into lesbians' ". "Yes" she replied. "But Jess, I was a lesbian before I met Debi". It was this that she responded to in realisation.

"I need to find out if what Debi feels for me is real, and for me to do this I need for her to see you again, and then I can see from her reaction exactly what she feels, will you come with me to her house?"

Jessica looked at me like I was some kind of crazy woman, and shook her head.

"Look Jess, I don't know what happened between you and Debi but even seducing you and keeping you as her girlfriend for a considerable amount of time shows that she did care, otherwise she could have slept with you and then dumped you". This seemed to waken her up, and she smiled at me before agreeing.

"Ive got another meeting this afternoon with my best friend Jacqui, I need to get her blessing before I go and see Debi, would u like to meet her". Jessica looked at me and said "I know a Jacqui who lives close to here, her surname is Moreno".

Yes u guessed it, Jacqui Moreno is my best friend and knows Jessica so I asked her "How do u know her, who is incidentally my best friend", "Oh, Mariah dated her for a while". I looked up to see the cafe girl looking across with a smile on her face, oh how I loved that smile.

This day just gets more and more interesting...

Forbidden Fruit - (Book 2 of my Life Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें