Deep Thought

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I had a really bad night, unable to sleep for quite a long time and at one point I got up and did something I have not done for a long time...

I went downstairs in my shorts and bra, turned on the light and took out my old Chinese chess board, after setting up the pieces I went through the game against Davis, he was a very good player and despite showing signs of arrogance (being a man it seems normal) played with skill, flair and confidence. I saw a win for him a long time before it happened which made me think of having too much going on in my head.

I played through the game and run through some variations. You might think im weird getting all hyped up over a chess game but ive played in tournaments were the first prize is $10,000 , I donate all my winnings to charity anyway. Anyway it helped me to relax, see where I made my mistake and after a good hour past 2am I clicked off the light and made my way back upstairs.


I slept till 8.30 and felt refreshed, I would be taking another day off college but Jessica had agreed to send the email for me saying that we had been working on an "all-nighter". So just a little after 8.30 I got up, took a shower, dressed in casual wear; jeans and t-shirt, made a breakfast of eggs and bacon and then went into the front room to plan the day ahead.

Jessica was coming round at 11, I was going to go and see Debi and talk to her about everything that had happened, then at 11, Jessica would knock on her door and I would gauge Debi's reaction from seeing her. I would keep texting her if it turned out to last longer than an hour.

After calling Jessica and making arrangement I rang Debi by phone.

The phone rang twice before being picked up....

"Hello, this is Debi Turning, unfortunately no one is home right now, so please leave your name and number and I will call you back as soon as possible",


"Hi Debi, its Holly I need to see you urgently, as soon as ....."

The phone made an audible screech as the answerphone was turned off and I heard Debi speak "Im here Holly, don't put the phone down".

I paused...."Yes Im still here".

"Hi Holly baby, its so lovely to hear your voice, are you ok ?"

"Im fine Debi, but I need your help. Can I come over right now?"

"Right now sure. I need to have a clear up, shall we say 15 minutes"

"15 minutes yes, I will be there"

"And I will be waiting for you"

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