I Don't like Mondays

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After meeting with Jacqui and promising to catch up later in the week, I went to get the bus and reply to the 50 text messages from Debi. Most of them were one worded and when connected they told a story through a poem; damn this woman has got it bad for me!! Imagine that, a 39 year old woman falling for an 18 year old girl, was I complaining ??

By the time I got home it was very late and it was back to college in the morning, so I sent a long essay-like text to Debi more or less telling her that I loved being with her and my bed would be lonely and cold without her. *BEEP** another message from Debi, "Your bed wont be lonely and cold for long xxx".

Oh my!! I did manage to get some much needed sleep, seems someone had tired me out the day before; cant think who though.

Morning quickly arrived with the alarm clock giving me earache, I took my naked torso out of bed, reached over to the drawer to retrieve my phone and check for messages. Now that did surprise me, not a single one!! Maybe Debi was unconscious from all the overexertions and had slept in.

Oh well, I padded across the room to the shower, put the temperature to extra cold. A sure fire way to wake you up in the morning..

The morning sun was shining and I was singing away to myself really enjoying this wonderful feeling, its been ages since I was with someone who really cared about my feelings.

Got dressed in my usual attire, Judit Polgar T shirt (she is my girl in the chess world) and a pair of faded jeans with ankle socks and trainers. Yeah baby, I look hot and casual.

Went downstairs to get some toast and tea bringing my phone with me. Still no messages, I was getting slightly concerned but then I thought Debi is quite the private person and doesn't want to come across as being obsessed with me, chance would be a fine thing !!

I walked to the bus stop just as my phone buzzed, sorry to disappoint you all but it was only Jacqui wishing me a great day at college. Well I hope it was as I got my schedule for other classes today and hopefully I would get to spend some time with the other people in the class.

**This is the end of part two and the start of part three**

**Opinions welcome on how things are progressing**

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