Moments in Love

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"Jessica, what the hell are you doing here?"

As the door opened and Debi saw who it was I knew that this was the moment I would either cherish forever or lose everything I hold dear to me.

"I came to see you because I still love you".

Debi for her part looked really confused at what was happening and then it dawned on her

"You've been talking to Holly about us, haven't you?"

"So its true then Debi, you did have a relationship with Jessica and its also true that you seduced her just like you seduced me"

"Its not like that at all, my feelings for you are very different to what I felt for Jessica".

"Hey Debi, Im right here you don't have to talk about me, talk to me".

Debi looked from me to Jessica and back again, "You best come in then, and tell me what this is all about".

Jessica stepped into the house and sat on the sofa, I stood up near the fire. Debi closed the front door and walked over to sit in a chair next to the sofa.

I decided it probably best that I start to speak at this point

"Debi, what Ive felt for you this past couple of weeks is unlike anything Ive felt before and to be honest its been amazing, I was ready to declare my feelings for you just like you had for me but Jessica stopped me, told me about the relationship between you and her and that she was not the first to be seduced by your charms, I had to find out the truth and I knew the only way I could get that was to confront you about it, with Jessica here too. I felt that you would have told me to get out and not tell me the full story if I was here alone".

"And it looks like your plan worked, but I have been hoping to get the chance to tell you exactly how I feel and explain everything, that was my intention. I went to the cemetery to see a very important person".

"You've been to see Katie? For what reason? To tell her you have found a new slave, or something else".


"Katie is my first love, I went to the cemetery to see her for one final time, to let her go. Jessica is right, Ive been a predator to her for a long time; following the code that she used to initiate me into her seduction, getting girls who were young and innocent and making them into lesbians with power and strength to seduce others"

This was a side to Debi I was unaccustomed to but I soon realised that I didn't know her at all, and still that was the exciting part for I still had an ace up my sleeve.

"Im different though aren't I , debi?"

She smiled at me and said "Yes I think you understand".

Debi went to the cemetery to tell this Katie that she had finally found someone who she could love for herself and that she was ready to move on.

"When did you know?"

"Your a lesbian and so am I, although for me that was not by choice in the beginning"

I nodded my head, that was it. You cant make a lesbian into a lesbian if she is already one. At that moment I looked across to Jessica who had been looking at the two of us with interest. I walked across the room and asked her to stand up and the three of us had a group hug.

"I know it was evil of me to dump you the way I did, but I was under her control, have been for a long long time but now I can be free to do whatever I want to", "I know you might hate me Jessica still and I don't blame you, but I love Holly and I want to be with her for the rest of my life"

Oh wow I cried buckets after this revelation and it was then that I decided to reveal a revelation of my own but not here.

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