Letting you go

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After doing my housework chores I left the house and took a short walk across town to the cemetery.

I had taken this walk many times over the last year, to visit the grave of my first love who was taken from us with Breast Cancer.

The woman who captured my heart all those years ago, seducing me from a quivering wreck of a teacher I was, armed with hardly any common sense apart from the focus of commitment and impression. This woman made me who I am today, for with her teachings, seduction techniques which ultimately led me to her bed and countless hours spent understanding the needs and though processes which make up a female mind and physique. And from there I was in a position to move away from being the shy, naïve virgin and instead embracing the power of seduction and control.

I had spent 19 years being the seductress and taking innocent, straight girls and moulding them into lesbians, as a legacy to all I was taught that I could pass on to others.

But I was here today for an entirely different reason.

I am in love, for the very first time since I lost her and I am here to let her go.

Im not someone who can easily talk in a cemetery to a gravestone, its a connection on a spiritual plane and I do this by conveying my thoughts through the media of writing. I had wrote a letter to my first love explaining about Holly and the power she has brought to me and how I became captivated by it, and how I was the one being seduced, being politely asked to make love to and for the emotions to overtake me. I also wrote about forgiveness, to all the girls who I have made "slaves" to my will and how with her blessing I can now finally be free to live my life, with love and honesty.

I laid a single red rose upon the headstone and made a silent prayer of thanks, hoping that it was not too late for my path into heaven to be accepted when my time is due.

The tears were visibly falling from my eyes and being swallowed up by the earth. So I withdrew from the place and walked slowly back into the real world, and to a confrontation with my future.

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