At the Library

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We got to the library if you could call it that,. it looks like something out of the lego movie and seems centred more around books for kids than mature adults.

As it was my first time (minds out the gutter u lot!!) in the library I needed to register for a card, as I was about to ask the librarian, Jessica grabbed my hand and said she was already a member and to save time we could use her card if we needed to find any books for the project.

I looked at her, she was biting her bottom lip and looking quite the charm, after all she was scantily dressed and getting some admiring glances from the boys. Uh perverts, all of them.

We found a quiet corner of the room to have a chat, get to know each other and then commence work on the project. Once sat down I got a proper chance to look at her; petite, blonde and something about her seemed familiar.

With that, Jessica grabbed my arm and said "Holly, ive something to tell you which Im sure you will not believe but I assure you its the truth". Unusual I thought, an interesting way to start a conversation but I was intrigued so I let her continue.

"She chose you didn't she?".

"Who chose me?"

"Miss Turning"

"Chose me, what do u mean". Jessica fidgeted in her seat but I wasn't about to let her get away with a bold statement like that so I asked her to explain what she meant.

"Holly, have u ever wondered at the irony of her name ?"

I was confused what Debi's name had to do with anything.

"Turning!? Debi turns straight girls into lesbians".

I looked in wonder at her, what was her game and what exactly did she mean by this, so Jessica explained.

"You know I saw you both last week at the chess club, I don't think you saw me as you only had eyes for someone else". That statement was a bit out of order but I let it pass "Explain that please".

"Miss Turning, Debi was touching your arm and flirting, it was as clear as the nose on your face".

I stopped her, Jessica and told her that this was a fascinating story but if she didn't cut to the chase that I was gonna go back to the class and tell the teacher to find me a new partner.

So Jessica sighed and began to relate her story to me

"I was like you last year, fresh out of school and looking for new challenges, but I wanted to be one of the girls who experimented with sex, the rest of the people in the class were deadbeats and Debi showed an interest in me, to cut a long story short we became friendly through the chess club with glances, touches and flirty texts and I ended up at her house and in her bed totally seduced by her".

To say I was shocked was an understatement, word for word she recanted events that had happened almost exactly to me, now I was getting worried.

"I was totally besotted with her and we spent a great deal of time together, mainly in her bed but we had to be totally careful inside college, anyway like this conversation we are having I was approached by a girl who had experienced the same thing a year earlier, I didn't believe her at first especially when she said that Debi dropped her like a stone when the semester ended, but yes it happened to me too, I really loved her but she broke my heart just like she had broken the hearts of girls before her. It pains for me to say this but she is a sexual predator, and once seduced she takes what she wants and then dumps you, looking to find new prey".

By now, I could feel angry, hurt, sadness and a million other emotions overtaking me. I asked Jessica to tell me about the other girl, turns out she is also at the college and is dating a teacher too!! I hoped to speak with her and see how far back this had been going on, then I needed to confront Debi before I let her too deep into my consciousness and I become another victim.

As we were about to go back to class a thought struck me about something Jessica had said "She turns straight girls into lesbians". But Im not straight, I am a lesbian.

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