Moment of Truth

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This is it..

15 minutes later and im walking up to Debi's front door only this time I never got a chance to knock as it swings open and she steps forward, taking me by the hand leads me into the hall, closes the door and the distance and kisses me, as I feel her lips mould to mine and her tongue seeking to enter my own mouth I am momentarily frozen from the task in hand and I allow my hands to roam along her amazing curves, turning me on and blocking my brain from wanting to halt these proceedings. We kissed long and deep, oh my nipples were deceiving me and I ached to release them from the confines of my t-shirt, I longed to lower the zip on my jeans and shimmy them to the floor and I longed for Debi to pick me up and take her upstairs to the bedroom and ravish my aching, wanting body.

Instead, I allowed her to kiss me and then pulled away with a gasp..."Its nice to see you too!!"

We pulled apart reluctantly and Debi just stood their staring at me, full of confidence I might add, but after having the angel on my shoulder forcibly punched by the devil on the other, I took her hand and we went into the living room. I asked her to sit down as I had a few things to say to her.

"Debi I have come here today because I need to ask you a few things, I know you care for me and I do you but I need your honesty, can you do that for me".

"Yes Holly, I can do that, what is it you want to know".

"The time we have spent has been magical and I want more and more of that magic to be given to me, but I need to know of your feelings and motives, so I need to ask you : Did you deliberately set out to seduce me?"

Debi paused for a long while and the colour seemed to drain from her face as she tried to get her head around the question but doing the best she can, replied

"Yes Holly, I developed feelings for you pretty quickly but realised that if I was to have you, I needed to seduce you"

"I believe you Debi, I know that u had those feelings and I wanted to be seduced but....Have you done anything like this before with other girls?"

Debi looked at me wide eyed.

"What do you mean? Why are you asking me such a question? Have you been talking about me with someone?"

I looked at her in the eye "I just need to know if what im experiencing with you is a first or whether you have done this before to other girls, its not an accusation im just interested".

Debi looked away from me "Please don't make me answer that question".

It was 11am, there was a knock at the door.

"Debi, shall I go answer the door for you".

"No its ok, but im not expecting anyone".

Debi walked across the room to the door, tears were streaming down my face at what I was about to do, and potentially destroy the relationship I had craved for so long, but I had to do it, I had to know.

Debi opened the door, a blonde figure was standing there looking the other way "Hello, can I help you".

Jessica turned around and you could see the horror in Debi's face as she saw who it was.

"Hi Miss Turning, or would u prefer I call you Debi"......

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