Party plans

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I walked back to class with Jessica after consoling her with a hug.

In class, Eric Hodges to give him his full name was pleased to see that we had spent time collecting evidence for the project and looked forward to our presentations next week.

The sat down and I went across to all the other girls, Jessica eyed me suspiciously but my motive was good. "Im looking forward to this class and getting to know u guys so would u like to go for a drink this evening?".

The girls looked up at me with smiles and agreed to come along to Lasers, I think a couple of them may have problems getting in but fortunately I know the owner and if I said it was someone's birthday then I could get them in, but no alcohol !! So Jessica, Amber, Hayley, Tess and myself were gonna meet up tonight and have some drinks, maybe a little dancing and hopefully get to know each other just a little better!!

I pulled myself away from the group and checked my phone for messages, there was one from Debi telling me that she was off to the cemetery and hoped I was having a good day, I couldn't ignore her despite needing to confront her about this unsettling news and so I replied "Hey, its going good today, lessons are boring as usual but going out this evening with the girls from the class, we had a new addition too, I will tell you more about her and the plans later, hope its not too stressful for you at the cemetery, Holly xx". I had thought about mentioning Jessica but it may have rung alarm bells for Debi and I didn't want to ruin what little peace she was having, this would wait for the right moment.

The rest of the day was routine, I was looking forward to having some fun at the club with my new friends.

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