What the F***??

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Got to college with minutes to spare, I think the driver was on a go slow, stopping at virtually every opportunity. My nerves were in shreds, finger nails untouched but I really wanted to!! I was anxious about seeing Debi, could I be professional enough and not give away to anyone watching how adorable she was. Ah well only one way to find that out.

I walked into the classroom which was our home form, sat beside Amber and we started to talk, she asked me about the chess club; turns out she can play, not the best but its always good to have girls with talents (ahem im getting ahead of myself). Tess and Hayley were talking too between themselves; as for the two boys; well knock me down with a feather, they were holding hands under the table. It was quite an interesting start to the day, Amber told me how brave I was for mentioning being a lesbian in front of the class, it turned out that all the girls in this group were lesbians. Amber has a girlfriend but its a long distance thing, tess is a part time model for a company in the city and Hayley has spent a long amount of time writing novels, a hobby she hopes to accomplish in the future. Turns out Derrick and Michael are gay too and well u can obviously guess that they are together. Everyone in this class is gay, who would have imagined that!

We were all having such a great time that we didn't notice when the teacher arrived until the door to the room was closed, we all turned around quickly. But this was a shock for me; it wasn't Debi. I was confused....

"Hello class, My name is Mrs Braddy, your current form teacher Miss Turning has taken leave and so I will be your replacement teacher until further notice".

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