The Game

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I saw holly enter the class wearing a t-shirt similar to my own, we could almost be sisters, however that wouldn't work if we were lovers too x.

One has to draw the line somewhere and incest is not for me. Holly had challenged Davis who was the 2nd best player in the club to a contest which she'd agreed to later in the night so I made my move and thanked her for making it and suggested we deal with the formalities of registration before a game. I got holly to sign the declaration forms and she leant forward to do this, exposing a small portion of her breasts. My breath caught in my throat, holly looked up at me and smiled. Oops I'd been rumbled. I felt my face heat up at this but quickly regained my composure, so said shall we play......chess.

I smiled at her forward thinking and we set the pieces up ready for battle.

Forbidden Fruit - (Book 2 of my Life Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora