A Historical perspective

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History like most subjects can be perceived as "quite boring" and as Amber, Tess, Hayley and the 2 boys trundled into the class it was clear by the looks on their faces that history was something which should be consigned to.......history!! I on the other hand, had a deep satisfaction for it and enjoyed the text book examples that were presented in school classes.

The teacher, a short stout man named Eric was presiding over a pile of papers as we walked into the class and announced that he had a lot of paperwork to go through and so had set a task for the class to work on and present in from of the class at the next meeting. There were 3 subjects to choose from; all American History : The long term affects of post traumatic stress disorder (hmmm boring), the conspiracy theories surrounding the death of JFK (hmm controversial) and the alleged relationship of a first lady and her aide in the white house (hmmm political).

Politics fascinates me, in particular the suffragettes and equality in job and pay for men and women, but this subject was about something I was very familiar. Eleanor Roosevelt, (the wife and first lady of Franklin Roosevelt) and a political aide, Lorena Hickok who were having a lesbian affair which supposedly involved the leaking of top secret American secrets. To be honest, I could write a 10,000 word thesis on the subject and impress the pants off the board of directors associated with the college, but for the sake of my friends it would need to be something low key in order to pique their interest although im sure rampant and hot lesbian sex in the white house would be sufficient to inflate that "pique".

We also had a new addition to this class, a petite blonde girl named "Jessica". Eric had stood up and asked if we had chosen our assignment, we all nodded. He put us into pairs and asked that we find out as much information as possible about the case we had chosen and put a simple prosecution and defence type argument down. With their being 7 in the class, the 2 boys were paired together (no surprise there), Amber, Tess and Hayley were put together and I was paired with the new girl, Jessica.

Jessica as I mentioned is blonde, petite and quite skinny, she was wearing a Katy Perry t-shirt and a pair of denim shorts, on her feet were stiletto heels. Eric appears disinterested in her attire,(probably gay too). She smiled at me when the task pairing was announced. We were given the opportunity to work in the class or the library; the library seemed preferable as Eric's stuffy room had no books in it !!

So I went to the library with Jessica to look for the journals relating to the case.....She kept looking at me, long stares. I pondered this as we walked to the library where Jessica would tell me something that I found difficult to believe.

**This is the end of part three and the start of part four**

**what is this revelation that Jessica is going to make, opinions please**

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