Chapter 4 | The Warehouse

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One of my most cherished moments are those of the morning's enrichment. The sun's beams shined in dully through grey curtains. The way they highlighted Ghost's best features was poetic. Unfortunately I had little time to enjoy the aftermath of last night's ecstasy. I had a set time I needed to meet Nikki and he wasn't a fan of tardiness. I left Ghost laying asleep to get ready for the day.

A shower, change of clothes, and coat of makeup later, I was ready to leave, though I didn't want to. When I was done pulling myself together, Ghost had gotten out of bed. He was nowhere in sight and I was left to assume he had gone to get some breakfast. I heard the lightest of noses coming from the kitchen, like I had a mouse in the house. No mouse though; Just a beautiful fiancé.

Ghost walked around the kitchen in just my shirt and boyshorts. His hair was a mess, yet he was adorable. Sometimes I like seeing him this way versus the dolled up version. This was who he was under all that makeup and glam, and that is exactly who I fell in love with. He was still half asleep, staring at the microwave as he waited on it to ding.

"You're not even fully awake." I lightheartedly teased him as I wrapped an arm around his back.

He closed his eyes when I leaned in. Ghost smiled softly as I kissed his temple. He rested his head against my shoulder, "You smell good."

"I showered." I responded, "I have to head out to meet Nikki."

Ghost scrunched his face and whined. He turned towards me and put his arms around my torso. His head rested against the middle of my chest as he said, "Don't goooo."

I gently titled his chin up with my hand, "I wish I could stay but I can't yell at him for being flakey, then flake on him. I'll be back before you know it. Do you have anything planned for today?"

"Hair appointment. Then I'm meeting Vinny for lunch." He replied. The microwave dinged and he parted from me to get whatever was in it. Knowing him, most likely hot water for tea.

"At least you won't have to sit at home doing nothing while I'm gone." I said. Ghost set a mug of steaming water on the counter and reached into the tea box for a bag. I leaned into him and gave him a kiss, "I love you. Call if you need anything."

"Love you." He muttered, still sleepy.

He not only was tired, but he was still holding a bit of anger towards me. No matter what I do short of not getting any slaves, he's going to be pissed. As much as I love sex with him, he's a power bottom. I mentally cannot stand not being in control of what I'm fucking. When I get angry, I can't hit him or yell at him without him returning the favor. It's the unfortunate part of loving him so damn much.

You can't marry or date a slave. That's why I set him free and gave him citizenship. I want to have a life with him outside of an ownership. He's taken his freedom a little too liberally. I don't mind. I just can't let go of my habits. We had to come to an understanding that this is what's for the best. Yes, he understands it. That doesn't mean he's happy about it.

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"You're late." Nikki scoffed as he leaned on my car.

I looked in my mirror to fix my hair. It's for the best I keep my sunglasses on, considering the crowd I'm walking into. I pulled the keys from the ignition and shot him a blank stare. Tilting my head down to look over my shades, I replied, "You've got the time."

"Who says?" He snit.

After exiting my car, I slammed the door. "I do." I growled, "You're on Ashley's pay role, meaning you're on mine. You can put up with me being a few minutes late because I had to say goodbye to my fiancé."

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