Chapter 10 | Daddy's Brat

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Influencing Ghost into a little role was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Things have never been smoother around here. Angelo takes care of him during the day, while I work and slave train. Once I'm free at night, he's already worn out and just wants to be held. It's like a dream. Ghost is finally the submissive angel I've wanted him to be for a long time.

He hasn't argued with in days. Truthfully, it's probably because he get's out all his energy fighting Angelo. The two do seem to enjoy each other's company, despite how much Angelo has to parent him. I have decided to keep him here and I plan to sign the papers when I have the time. Right now, I'm more focused on making sure Joy and Alexander are something for me to be proud of.

Nikki decided he'd much rather sell the two of them in a private party. I was happy about this decision, seeing as more refined Doms attend slave parties as apposed to auctions. These two deserve to go for a high bid, to a Master that will take good care of them. Joy has become a very good girl under my watch and I'll be sad to see her go.

Speaking of, I had her sweet lips on my cock at this very moment. For once, we weren't downstairs. I sat in an armchair in the living room, reading over papers, while Joy gave me head. It makes her happy to please and I'm certainly not going to deny her happiness. Unfortunately, my relaxed mind became distracted by a fuss down the hall.

I could hear Angelo arguing with Ghost at a low tone. Whatever it was, he didn't want me disturbed. However, Ghost could care less about me hearing. I still couldn't make out exactly what he was saying as I only caught the tale end of the conversation before Angelo yelled at him, "Young lady, do not go in there!"

"It's fine." I sighed as they both approached the living room.

"I'm sorry, Sir." Angelo bowed his head, "I tried to stop him. I knew you wanted your privacy."

"It's fine." I repeated myself, "What's the problem?"

Ghost stomped his foot, being a little brat, "I'm sick of other people getting to suck my Daddy's cock. It's not fair that I have to share you."

"Sweetie, you know I have to train other subs so they can be good for their Masters one day. You're still my baby." I reassured him as I attempted to grab his hand to kiss it.

He yanked back from me, just staring down at Joy with complete anger. I don't know what exactly he expected me to say. Ghost hasn't even attempted to engage any sexual acts lately. The only person he can blame for his dry spell is himself.

"I don't care. That doesn't mean they have to suck your cock. You can train them without it." He responded, crossing his arms.

I squeezed my eyes tightly for a moment to keep from losing my temper. Taking in a deep breath, I addressed Angelo, "Please just take him to lay down. It's obvious he's just tired."

"I'm not tired!" Ghost snapped before Angelo could say anything, "I'm just sick of you not listening to me!"

"We've had this conversation countless times. You know where I stand with it. Now, please, give us some privacy."

He stood there, eyeing the situation with contempt. Ghost turned to walk out, but in a fit of anger, kicked Joy over. He managed to hit her right in the lungs and she began to cough. First, I helped her to sit up and recompose herself. Ghost attempted to leave the room, but luckily Angelo stopped him. He knew I had to punish him.

"Get back here, right now." I growled.

Hesitantly, Ghost stepped over towards me. I yanked him down across my lap, putting his ass in an exposed position. He cried a little and I assume tried to earn sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean it!" He whined when he realized he was about to feel repercussions.

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I replied, "You know what you did was wrong. Apologize to Joy first, then you're getting a spanking."

He looked over to her. She had just barely managed to get herself in a calm state against after having the air knocked out of her. Ghost didn't want to apologize because of his jealous for her. Thankfully, he managed to make it sound sincere.

"I'm sorry I kicked you, Joy." He mumbled.

I nodded towards her, "It's okay. You can speak."

"Thank you, Master." She said to me, then told him, "It's okay. I understand why you'd be possessive of a Daddy like Master."

"It's very nice of Joy to be forgiving to you, but it still doesn't change the fact that you have to be punished." I informed him.

He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes, "Please, Daddy. I promise I've learned my lesson."

If he had, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. I can't let Ghost get away with this. Not only will he start acting out more if he gets away with naughty shit, but he'll set a bad example for the slaves. I pushed up the tight skirt he was wearing and brought my hand down on his ass cheek. At least I was nice enough to leave the fishnets on so there was something between my hand and his skin.

Ghost whimpered to try to make me feel bad. I knew from his days as a slave that he could take much, much more pain than this. He was just being a trick. I gave him fifteen spankings. Honestly, I should have given him more, but I let it go considering the circumstances. I know seeing another person on my dick does hurt him. It still is no excuse.

"Please, don't do this again." I sweetly said and stood him back up, "You know I don't like to punish you. Now, why don't you and Angelo go get some lunch?"

He forced a smile even though he was still upset. "Okay." He muttered.

Ghost began to walk out and Angelo followed him. I sighed, watching my naughty little boy go. I do love him deeply, but I get so sick of the attitude. He can be so adorable when he wants to be. Then, in a matter of seconds, turns nasty. I should give him some more attention. After Nikki and I sell Joy and Alexander, I'll have a day off of training slaves. I should spend that day on my bratty angel.

As for poor Joy, she waited patiently on further orders. Even if I punish her, straight up abuse is ridiculous. I won't stand for it and she deserves to be rewarded after taking it.

"I'm sorry he did that to you." I told her, "Get up in my lap."

"Yes, Master." She replied.

Joy stood up from her place on the floor. She climbed into my lap, her legs on either side of me. She was so good when she wanted to be. I spit in my hand, then brought my wet fingers under her dress. Sticking my hand over her entrance, she moaned softly. I then brought her down on my cock, which was still very wet with her spit. She shut her eyes as she adjusted to the feeling.

"You can hold onto me." I murmured as I guided her hand to my shoulder, "It's okay."

She placed her other hand on the opposite side of my neck. Joy rode up and down my dick with ease. She was tighter than I thought, but not nearly as tight as Alexander. And Ricky... I haven't fucked him yet, but I can only imagine how tight that little virgin ass much be. I'm saving him for just the right moment. Thinking about what he must sound like though, that got me even more aroused than I already was.

Joy was rather enjoying herself for someone who rarely thinks of her own pleasure. She lost her voice once I slammed into her G-spot. Her eye line finally slipped and she looked me directly in the eyes. Though she shouldn't, I let it slip. She deserved this after getting hurt without any reason.

"Please, may I cum, Master?" She pleaded desperately.

"As long as you thank me as you do it." I replied.

Just in time too, because she couldn't hold herself back much longer. Joy closed her eyes and fell forward onto my shoulder as she screamed, managing to slip into her moans, "Thank you so much, Master!"

I gently pet her hair and allowed her a minute to catch her breath. I'll miss her when she gets sold. She was a little sweetheart. Still a bitch, but a sweet bitch.

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