Chapter 20 | In These Arms

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I had just finished my shower and was in the midst of getting a snack when Ghost and Angelo got home. Since I was just in the shower, I only had jeans on without a shirt and my hair was wet. Ghost stormed into the kitchen, purposely closing the door on Angelo. Oh no. Someone is in a bratty mood. I can just tell.

"Daddy!" He whined, "No one's been nice to me today!"

Great, I can't wait to hear this bullshit story. Usually when he complains about other people it's because he got in trouble with them. Angelo is allowed almost as much power of him as I have. He can take things away from Ghost and spank him if need be. Normally he prefers to take the case to me if it's one that requires grounding. He was with Vinny today though. He shouldn't have had any issues.

I set down the half eaten apple in my hand, allowing Ghost to run into my arms. He hugged my torso and rested his head on my chest. I embraced him, petting his hair with my hand. Angelo finally walked in, looking very annoyed. He's really matured and grown comfortable with having a more casually interaction with me. Angelo was never meant to be a slave and I prefer him as just another one of my workers.

"Shh, Daddy's here." I whispered. He wasn't full on crying, but there were a few tears and whimpers. The poor thing seemed like he had truly just had a long day. "The sheets on my bed are in the middle of getting washed, so why don't you go lay down on your bed? I'll be in to cuddle you in a few minutes. First I'm going to talk to Angelo, okay?"

He sniffled, "Okay, Daddy."

Ghost painfully pulled away from me. I never like to see him cry. He's so sweet when he wants to be. It's those times that I think of and I wish I could take away his sorrow on days like this. He moped out of the kitchen, going to his own room.

I sighed, turning my attention to Angelo, "What happened?"

"When we were walking to the restaurant, a few guys were catcalling him. Then when they realized he wasn't a chick, they started calling him names. It put him in a bad mood. Then we get there and Vinny had brought his new girlfriend to meet us. Ghost was completely unaware of her existence and already upset, so he wasn't very nice to her. She wasn't that nice to him either and lunch was pretty awkward.

We went for a walk after that and I'm not exactly sure what she said to Ghost, but he pushed her into a fountain. Vinny got mad at him for it and he got upset Vinny didn't take his side. He started to throw a tantrum and I yelled at him to knock it off. He wouldn't, so I dragged him back to the car. On the way to the car, people yelled a few things at him on the streets. I do feel bad about the way he got treated but the way he acted was uncalled for."

"Treat others how you want to be treated." I muttered.

"Exactly." He replied.

"I'll go easy on him thing time. You look pretty worn out. Go take a shower and lay down before dinner." I told him.

He nodded, "Thank you, Sir."

Angelo headed towards his bedroom. I followed because Ghost's room was just down the hall from his. Ghost has really be wearing him thin. He's a full time job. That's for sure. I cautiously opened his door, then shut it behind me. Ghost was sitting on the bed, passively playing with the ears of his stuffed animal. I sat down beside him.

"Angelo told me what happened today. I'm sorry there were people that treated you so bad, but Baby, you can't push people into fountains." I said.

"I didn't mean for her to go into the fountain... I was just pushing her a little bit and she tripped." He mumbled.

"Did you apologize?" I asked, receiving silence. "Devin?"

He pouted, "No... But she was mean to me too, Daddy!"

"You still have to apologize. Two wrongs don't make a right." Yes, I realize that's hypocritical because I love revenge, but I'm trying to be a good caretaker to my little. I continued, "I'll snuggle with you since I know you're upset, but you have to promise me you'll call Vinny tomorrow and apologize to him and his girlfriend."

"I promise." He muttered.

"Good." I smiled. Then I laid back on his bed. "Cuddle up."

Ghost grinned happily and rested his head on my chest. He wrapped his legs around mine and held onto my waist with his arm. When he wants to be he can be quite the little spider monkey in cuddling. I absolutely adored it to be honest. It's moments like this that it's so hard to stay mad at him.

I gently ran my hand over his dress' skirt until I reached his ass. He giggled when I squeezed his butt cheek. "That dress looks good on you," I said, "But it's a little short, don't you think?"

He hummed, "Hmm, maybe. Other people can look, but you're the only one that actually gets to touch my butt."

"Damn right." I smirked.

Ghost nuzzled his face deeper into my chest. That was his way of telling me he wanted to sleep. That's fine with me. I let him drift off. He could use the rest after all the crying and fits he's had today. My little baby wore himself out. What he didn't know was, Daddy did too. Just not playing with him.. Whoops.

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Sorry this was short! But can you guys PLEASE go check out ghosts_kitten new story "Daddy's Princess"? It's Deviless, Sitkolson, DDLG, and there's a genderbend on Ghost!

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