Chapter 35 | Defining Love

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As I sat at my office desk writing emails, the house phone started to ring. At first I ignored it. After a second ring, I reminded myself that Ghost wasn't exactly available to answer it. It's just habit for me to assume he'll pick up the phone when it rings. With a sigh, I picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered.

There was hesitation on the other end, followed by distinct Jersey accent. "Hi... Is Ghost avaible?"

I glanced down at the screen because I stupidly hadn't done so in the first place. It was Vinny. Right... I forgot that Ghost actually does have one friend in Scranton. The rest of his friends and family are back in San Diego.

"Um, he is, but he's not feeling well. So, he can't come to the phone." I said.

"Oh, alright. Tell him I hope he feels better and to call me back when he can. Thank you." He responded.

"Yeah," I replied, "I will. Have a good day."

Maybe I don't have to ship Ghost all the way back to California. It would be easier, and less expensive, to make him go live with someone like Vinny. Part of me doesn't want to just throw him out either. Call me insane but I do have a small piece of me that's attached to my little Ghost. Not the cunt tied up in my basement right now. I'm referring to the angel he is capable of being.


Ghost wrapped his arms around me the second he saw me. I hugged him tightly, closing my eyes as I took in his perfume. I've missed him so damn much. The past months were agony. Constantly wondering if he was okay. I mean, obviously I knew from the news stories he was okay, but that doesn't mean he was mentally alright.

He hadn't called or emailed or anything for the longest time. I was growing so worried that he wouldn't come back to me and I did this all for nothing. The second I did hear from him, you know I put him out on a plane instantly. I couldn't take to be away from him much longer. Is there a reverse version of Stockholm Syndrome? Where you get attached to the person you're holding against their will? If so, that's currently what I have.

"You look so beautiful." I said as I examined his body.

Ghost was at a healthy weight for once. Though I like my slaves small, I don't want them skin and bones. He'd go on hunger strikes for weeks sometimes when he was a slave. I'd have to force food down his throat, whereas other slaves would be beginning for a meal. It's safe to say he wasn't like other slaves.

"Thank you. It helped to have some time to rest my bones and get a lot of beauty sleep." He replied, "You look handsome as ever."

"Thank you, my angel." I placed a kiss on his lips, then took a second one just because I've missed him so much. "I can't wait to get you home."

Ghost giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck, "I'm looking forward to my clothes being on your floor."

I growled in his ear playfully, "Who's to say I can wait that long?"

Flash Forward

I'd like to know if it was always a lie. Was it all an act? Ghost would do anything in his power to defy me as a slave. He's kick, scream, bite, spit. Anything you can think of, he did. He wanted out of slavery so desperately and refused to ever submit. Looking back, I wouldn't put it past him to trick me into falling in love with him just so he could get out those chains.

Why would he come back then? Money. It's obvious a lot of this had to do with money. I'm not unfamiliar with getting used. I just never thought it would be him who would use me. After all this, you might think I'm a fucking idiot for continuing to help slaves. I've got hope that they don't all have bad intentions like my little love bird.

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