Chapter 7 | Tourniquet

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Joy pictured above

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It was for the best I left yesterday as nothing more than a welcoming period for the new slaves. Additionally, I had to spend the remainder of the night coddling Ghost. He needs constant reassurance. I understand that. Sometimes, it gets to be annoying. For now I'm aiding him in this tough acceptance process. I've also got to start being the Dom I promised Nikki I would be.

He expects his slaves to be kept in line. I think he also wants me to some-fucking-how find a way to behave Joy. HA, that thought is a laugh. I've been utterly shocked by how much she's behaved in the last twenty-four hours. From what Nikki has told me, this is about as rare as sighting a vampire in sunlight. I expect it to fade soon. She just wants to be able to keep her place here. Joy may be a little bitch, but she's not stupid. She knows she has to prove herself.

Ghost was sleeping in today. Just another demonstration of his spite towards me at the moment. I've never seen him act this juvenile for this long. If he was like this all the time, I certainly wouldn't have proposed to him. Ghost better knock this shit off, and I mean now. It's getting on my nerves. Aside from being a stress relief, taking in these slaves is simply a business transaction. I'm supporting Ashley's livelihood. It's as simply as that, yet he has to be so damn selfish. He'll get over it, eventually.

I had work to focus on this morning. The little birds chirped outside the window as I got dressed. A maid had pulled the window open, as she does every morning at eight AM. That's when the household is supposed to be awake. Ghost remained tangled up in the grey sheets, wearing only boy shorts and a silk top. I knew he was awake and watching me whenever my back was turned. He can play games as he'd like. I could care less. Once I was done getting ready, I leaned over the bed and kissed his forehead. He continued to pretend he was asleep. Have it your way, Babe.

Wasting my little bit of generosity for the day on him, I closed the drapes once more. The darkness coated the room so he can sleep away his mixed emotions. Maybe he'll sort himself out in his dreams. I slipped out of the bedroom to head downstairs. As I walked, I pulled my leather gloves tighter on my hands. Nikki doesn't exactly keep his slaves on a sleep schedule, but I don't give a shit. They'll adjust to my schedule whether they want to or not. Any other Dom would force the same thing.

When I did get to the bottom of the stairs, they were all awake, but obviously tired. Each sat on their bed, their legs tucked under them. Their hands rested on top their thighs. They were in a waiting position as they should be. Well, all but Joy, of course. She was sat up as she should be. However her hands weren't in her lap or behind her back like they should have been. She was too hocused on fixing her damn hair.

"Joy." I growled at her.

She gave me a slight dirty look before slowly folding her hands behind her back. "Sorry, Master."

I ran my hand up the back of her neck and grasped a hand full of her hair, "We'll see how sorry you are. On your feet."

Joy stepped down from the bed. She was improving slightly with her eye line. It was only a hair improvement though. Little bitch... I'll show you. There were four collars sat on one of the tables in the room. I had plans to place them around each of the slaves' necks anyways, and this looked like a good opportunity for it. I picked one up and brought it back to the troublemaker, securing it around her neck. They were protection collars for the time being. A loop hung from the front of the collar. I grabbed onto that metal ring and pulled Joy further. She stumbled slightly until we reached the middle of the floor, where I stopped.

"Arms up." I instructed her as I walked towards the china cabinet.

Inside, there was multiple sterling silver platters along with matching dining sets. They've never held food in their life, but do serve an important purpose. Taking two of the platters, I set them in Joy's palms to hold up. She knew this punishment. I could tell by the smirk on her face. I guess it just means I'll have to make it a little more difficult for her.

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