Chapter 39 | City Lights

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Sin is leather, lace, and most importantly, skin against skin. If I never saw a lace dress or a leather collar again, I don't think I'd complain. When Ricky's chest lays against mine, it's hard to believe it could be sinful. Ghost and I bathed in sin, but Ricky isn't like we were. He's just an innocent soul caught in a dirty game. I almost feel guilty for what I've done to him and what I've made him become.

I couldn't stand that house anymore. Once I realized how much of my past laid there, I couldn't fall asleep in my own bed. It was time Ricky got to see something other than those same walls anyways. Scranton may be my home and I'd never leave forever, but I needed a break. New York is only two hours away, so that's where we went.

When we left, I decided to not tell anyone. It's not like they care. For nearly everyone in my life, I'm just a business partner or a casual friend. I don't know if there's anyone I could say would take a bullet for me. Then again, I would never do it for anyone I know. Who am I kidding? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything happened to Ricky. He's so pure and innocent. He doesn't deserve the hand he was dealt.

Ricky was sitting on the window, watching the lights of Time Square with amazement. It's easy for me to forget that he's never seen much more than windowless rooms and dark basements. There weren't any lights on in our hotel room and it was night outside. I had turned off the lights so he could watch what was outside the window. Our hotel room was on the forty-third floor, meaning we had a beautiful view of everything.

"It's kind of funny," I said as I walked over to him, "That they call Scranton The Electric City, but you barely see any lights there. You'd never see anything like this."

"I wouldn't know. I haven't seen much other than your house, Ryan's, and the warehouse." Ricky softly replied.

"Our house." I corrected him. He looked over at me curiously, then blushed so adorably. "It's not going to be our home for long though. Kuza's going over there tomorrow to take anything from the basement that he wants. Whatever's left, Nikki will take. After that, it's going on the market."

"Where are we going to go? When it sells?" He asked.

I sighed, "I don't know yet... You know, New York isn't the only beautiful city. In fact, there's cities so much more gorgeous than this. I wouldn't mind getting to see them. I know at the warehouse, you receive education up to a high school level. Even though you haven't seen much of the world, there's got to be places you want to see."

Ricky hesitated in answering, mostly because he's still scared to speak up sometimes. He tilted his head to the side a little and kept his eyes out the window. I think the city lights calmed him down. "I love the places with old Gothic architecture. Places like Belgium, Italy, Norway, The Netherlands, and Romania. Especially Romania."

"That's where Transylvania is. Depending on who you ask, some might say that's my place of origin." I joked, earning a small snicker from him. The lights from the city illuminated him so gorgeously. I could fall into a trance looking into his eyes. "I think I'll get a small apartment, just to keep some of my things in. Whatever doesn't fit in there I figure I don't need. After that, I want to do some traveling. I'm not going to leave you behind, but that means you need a passport."

"I think I need to exist legally before I can get that." He murmured.

"Exactly. There is a way, but I would have to renounce my life as a slave owner completely first. I'm ready to this time. Before, with Ghost, I was so hesitant. I didn't know if it was right. With you, though, I can feel it. This is right." I gently placed my hand along his jawline. Ricky placed his hand over mine, smiling warming to feel my skin against his. "I love you."

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