Chapter 38 | Inside of Me

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The house felt cold when I walked in. Coming to the realization that it was just Ricky and I wasn't as comforting as I'd hoped for. It's not Ricky's fault, not at all. I just didn't think it would be this hard to move on from Ghost. His perfume was already fading from the air. I've gotten so used to the sound of him walking around or doing the cute little things he does.


It was a little hard for me to get my work done when my beloved is playing his music so loud. We've had enough fights recently. The last thing I wanted was another one, so I just kept trying to write my emails. This isn't something he does too much. That's part of the reason I was putting up with it. It's usually only when he takes a shower.

After awhile, it was getting annoying. We're supposed to go out tonight. I didn't want to start a fight and ruin our date. If I don't finish my work in time, there won't be a date. Maybe if I just ask nicely, he won't throw his coffee mug at me. Sometimes it's tissue boxes or picture frames. One time he almost threw a straightener at me, which is part of the reason why I'm so weary of bothering him while he's getting ready.

I carefully walked into his room, staying at the doorway. That way I have a hallway to duck into should anything go up in the air. Ghost was just wearing jeans with that cute velvet choker he wears so much. He was leaned over his vanity doing his makeup. Not very fast, considering he was too distracted by the Lady Gaga song he was singing along to. It's been so long since I've seen him happy. He was really enjoying himself and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Hey, Babe." He said as he glanced back at me, "Did you need something?"

"No. I just thought I'd check on you. You look really good." I replied.

He got the cutest smile, "Thank you."

"I also don't mind watching you shake your hips." I added with a smirk.

Ghost walked, well in his case pretty much strutted, over to me. He grabbed my hand, pulling me to the center of the room. "You know, you've never taken me dancing."

"Never knew you wanted me to." I responded.

"Are you kidding? When I was younger I had a fake ID to get in the clubs. Not because I wanted to drink, I just wanted to be able to dance." He said.

"Somehow, I can see that pretty easily. No wonder you're so good at giving lap dances." I teased him, then started to pull away, "I've got to get back to work, Baby."

"Oh, c'mon, just one song." He yanked me back into him, "Dance we me."

As if some joke from the universe, that song Dirrty came on. Of course Ghost lit up like the little stripper he is. Sometimes it's like he was an exotic dancer in another life. And the way he danced, it could put me in a trance. With hips and an ass like that, it would be a waste to deny him a dance. This benefited me just as much as him.

Ghost smiled brighter than the sun when he felt the rhythm. You know how hard I'd have to work to get him to smile like that for me? Him and I both were one of those people that lived off of music. I couldn't blame him for being so damn happy. Seeing him enjoying himself like this, he looked so fucking gorgeous.

Flash Forward

I stopped in the doorway to his room. There was nothing left. All his posters and photos had been ripped from the wall. His vanity and bed were gone. It was just an empty room; A shell of what once was. I had set Ricky downstairs in front of the TV, telling him to just stay there. Right now, I wanted some time to myself to process this. I knew it was going to be hard but I never expected it to be this bad.

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