Chapter 21 | Lying

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My sleep was fucking restless. I couldn't stop thinking about Ricky. Ghost was the one I shared a bed with, yet I was wishing it was one of my fucking slaves. What is wrong with me? My sweet husband to be was snuggled up to me and I wish he was someone else. Not only someone else, but someone I'm supposed to regard as less than a human being. Ghost and I were once this way though. He was just a slave. I guess history is repeating itself?

No matter what it may be, there was this desire in me. It was burning to the point I couldn't sit still. I wanted to touch Ricky again. I wanted to feel him squirm in my arms, but I couldn't. Not without alarming Ghost if I got up in the middle of the night. I was forced to sit there, thinking about him, all fucking night. Eventually sunrise came and I had managed an hour or two of sleep. It wasn't much.

First I set some coffee to brew, then I headed straight downstairs. Aside from wanting to see Ricky, I had to prepare Friday. Her new owner, whomever it may be, is coming by to pick her up this afternoon. The poor thing doesn't even know. Why have I gotten so soft? I never cared about my slaves until recently. Maybe my relationship with Ghost has made me see them as more than just objects.

Friday was just getting herself up for the day, as were the others. I guess I was down a littler earlier than normal. They were all quick to pull on their clothes and stand at attention. I've trained them well. Not a single one had makeup on yet but I didn't mind much. It was my fault I didn't let them know to get ready earlier than normal.

The first one I walked to was Blake. "I trust Asher informed you of your upcoming showing?" I asked him.

"Yes, Sir." He responded.

"Good." I continued walking down the line until I reached Friday. She was beautiful, even with a bare face. It'll be a shame to let her go. Without her makeup on, she was rather shy. "You and I are going to talk in a little bit. For now, I want you to go take a nice, long shower. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir." She murmured.

I waved her to leave the room. She quickly left to follow orders. Ricky was the last one for me to come to. He was in the last bed in the corner. He was struggling to stay awake too. Awe, poor baby. I must've worn him out. The way he still feared me turned me on. In fact, I think he's gained even more respect for me after last night.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Yes, Master." He responded.

Gently, I ran my hand down his arm just to see him shake. "Soar?"

"A little, Master." He admitted.

A little? I would expect more than that. I did completely destroy his little ass yesterday. Without hesitation, I reached my hand down the back of his jeans. He gasped when I pushed one of my fingers into him. I yanked him forward and caused him to stumble into me. Yeah, more than a "little" soar.

"That doesn't sound like a little soar to me." I stated as I let go of him.

Ricky quavered for a moment, attempting to recompose himself after I just violated him. His voice shook and he tried to swallow away his fear. "M-Mayb-be more th-than a little."

"You know I don't like being lied to." I said.

"I know, Master." He murmured.

He's never really been punished. At least, not by me. I can't imagine Nikki ever had much of a reason to punish him. He seemed to have always been this well behaved. I did feel a little pity for the poor thing. It's his first real offense, so I'll go easy on him.

"I'm going to go get my morning coffee. Go get a set of ropes for me and wait for me between those two pillars." I instructed him.

He barely had time to comply verbally before I walked away. I stopped at the area set up with two amours and a lower set dresser in between. There was a candle opera set on top of the dresser. I pulled a lighter out from one of the drawers and lit a couple of the candles. We'll just let those burn themselves down a bit while I go get my coffee.

My little Ghost had just woken up. Angelo was in the midst of pouring him a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table. Lucky for me, there was just enough coffee brewed for a hot cup. After I grabbed my coffee, I decided to fake it and act like Ghost was the one on my mind. I leaned over him and kissed his cheek.

"How's my Baby?" I asked him.

"I feel a little better." He responded, "I'll call Vinny after lunch and apologize."

I smiled, "Good. Daddy has to get back to work."


He wasn't that happy I was leaving, but is he ever? I went back downstairs quickly. My mind and my desires were aching to be by Ricky. It was unexpected to me to become this addicted to him this fast. There's just something about him that I'm drawn to. Once I got downstairs, I set my coffee on top of the dresser. Then I approached my little raccoon.

I took the ropes from him. He repositioned his hands behind his back. Am I that predictable? Okay, maybe. I like to restrain the arms a lot. I've had yet to do some more obscure bindings on any of my slaves. Maybe we'll get experimental with the next batch. For now, I'm using an old school punishment on Ricky. He didn't do anything that bad. Just a little fib, but it still deserves to be punished.

"Knees." I commanded.

With his arms now bound behind his back, he carefully dropped down to the floor. I leaned over and placed my hand on his shoulder. Guiding him back, I put him on his back with his legs still tucked under him. Little fuck is really flexible. It's hot, if you ask me. His chest was currently bare.

I left him there while walking over to the dresser again. First I took a sip of my coffee. Next, I grabbed a few thinner strings from the drawer and the candle opry, which had been burning for about ten minutes now. I set it down on the floor beside Ricky. The I suspended the strings from hooks I have in the ceiling.

"Tell me what you did wrong?" I said.

"I was dishonest to you, Master." He responded.

"That requires punishment. It is the first bad thing you've done wrong though, so I'll go easy on you with just a little hot wax." I told him.

As I picked up one of the candles, I let the melted portion pour down on him. He tried his best to bite his tongue and not scream. If he takes this as a hard punishment, I hope he never does anything really out of line. His small body probably couldn't handle the punishment, honestly. I tied the string around the candle so it would drip down on him. Then I repeated this process with one more candle. I emptied out the wax of the remaining three onto his chest and blew them out.

He can sit there and think about his actions while the candles slowly drip on him. At first, it's not that bad. It'll start to get soar though. I placed the remaining candles back on the dresser. Friday happened to come out of the shower. Even when I tell her to take a long shower, she doesn't really.
It's only been, what? Fifteen minutes? She was rather endearing. Her clothes were already on but her hair and makeup had yet to be addressed.

I offered my hand, "Come with me."

She hesitantly took it. The majority of the time I never show her affection. It weirded her out, I think. I have no idea what kind of home I'm sending her to. Something in the pit of my stomach didn't feel right about the whole thing. As for Ricky, I'll be back for him in a little while.

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