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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


Third Person P.O.V

You were awaked because of your nightmare.


You were alone, on a street. You see a young girl and there are so many kids beating her up. You tried to save her, but when you reached her, you just passed through her like a ghost.

"No! Don't hurt her!" You scream but nobody hear you.

Then you realize it was you, and the kids who beating you was your own bestfriend.

"You don't deserve this all! Just go to hell you bitch!" A little girl named angel said , she was your bestfriend, she was like a big sister to you, but nica poisoned her with her word so she turned against you.

"*hiks**hiks* b-but angel, you are my friend." The kid version of you said.

"Hahahaha! Nice joke, your friend? You wish! She never be your friend!" Nica said while she beating the kid version of you.

"No! Please stop! Angel please hear me!" You try to stop her but you can't, you just unnoticeable like a ghost.

Then you see the horrible scene, Nica grab her pocket knife and stab your leg.

"Kyaaaa!!!" The kid version of you screamed in pain.

"Stop!!!" You said with tears.

They beat you up and after you start coughing blood , they left you alone, in a dark cold street.

"I will do anything! I will stay strong! I will protect my friend! I promise that angel!!!" The kid version of you promise.

You are quite lucky that you have the power to heal, you heal your leg fast. It was like new leg, no sratch at all. But still, the pain still exist.

Then the scene suddenly changed, you were in your grandpa from your father side funeral, you were crying nonstop.

"Y/n its okay, he will always be with you." Your grandma said trying to calm you.

"Why, why, why!" You shout.

"Please stop this! I can't take it anymore!" You screamed.

The scene changed again, now you see you were walking with your cousin, it was your father birthday and you two want to give him a gift.

"Nisa! Are you okay going with me? You were healing you know." The dream you said

"No! Not this time." You said, all of this start to make you crazy.

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now