END: Haikal G Wind

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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


"I choose haikal..." and everyone left. Then suddenly, haikal hugs you tightly.

"Oh my god! Y/n do you know how long i have this feeling?!" He fanboying, yep the second grell, you thought.

"Y-yeah i'm glad too, so let's go to the kitchen." Suddenly he pin you on the door, and he slammed his lips to you, you were shock by the sudden contact, but you finally kiss back, and you part away because the need of oxygen.

"You know how long i want to do this to you" his eyes flashing blue, w-wait! Since when?!

"And do you you think i will just let you go? Huh i'm sorry but no" he smirk, sending shiver down to your spine.

"You know, let's teleport to a place that no one can hear us, maybe your voice, because the one who could hear your voice is me, and don't ever think that it just for today, i think, it will happen everyday, until i'm full of you" he said smirking, his eyes fill with lust.

Then he teleport us to a mansion, huge mansion, in the center of the forest?!

"Let's start babe" he lick his lips, and yeah... as usual, rest bassed on your imagination.


Ambulance please~ need ambulance~

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