END: Claude Faustus

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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


"I choose claude..." you say and everyone left the room, leaving you and claude alone. His golden eyes flashing fuschia and he has smirk stamp on his face.

"Claude... what's with that creepy smile?" You ask unsure. He walk slowly to your direction, and you slowly walking back and finally, your back crash to the wall. His long slender finger trailed your neck and cupping your cheeks gently. Your heart beat faster.

"My, my, finally you're in my web, butterfly" he said with a husky voice, you gulp so hard at the hotness.

"Just get ready to learn about spider reproduction" he whisper


Before you continue with your sentences, he sealed your lips with his. You blushed a fifty shades of red but return the kiss. You part away because the need of oxygen.

"Let's get married" he said suddenly and you have a 'really?! Now?!' Face.

"Oy, oy! Wait i'm still 17"

"So what? Your parents want so many babies, so let's make it" he lick his lips. Your blushed darkened

Time skip~

You finished your marriage party, booty short was the one who throw it for you guys. And he gave you a honeymoon trip ticket (wtf i'm really in my fantasy).

"Just go y/n, i will clean all of this up" hannah say

"But i want to help-

"You don't have to, there is triplets anyway, so enjoy the honey moon, you can't skip your first night to help me clean up." She said winking at you make you blush.

"O-okay if you insist" you said walk to claude way.

"Y/n tell me when i will be an uncle!" Alois said

"N-not yet alois!" Your blush darkened

"But your face tell that you're ready" he said teasing

"Now, now your highness, let y/n have her trip." Hannah said guiding alois to another room, but before that, she whisper.

"Tell me when i'll be grandma" she wink

"Ugh! Not helping!" You say, claude who see this just chuckle.

"What?" You pout to him

"No, now come my buterfly" he said

In the vacation house~

"This is frickin huge!" You said awed

"Language!" Claude said and you just stuck your tounge out

"Oh what a feisty one, maybe i should punish you now" he said with lust in his eyes. He quickly pinned ypu down on the bed

"Just make sure you scream my name out loud" he sajd talking his glasses off, and you just give up to him.


Need more tissue XD freakin creepy sexy claude! I hate you for being creepy and sexy at the same time! But maybe i made him like akashi seijuroo :"v just go with it. to the next chapter!

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