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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


Claude p.o.v (finally can write about claude again)


I see that phantomhive brat want to slap his fiancè, but suddenly y/n rush to stood infront of her.


I see that brat slap y/n so hard, her cheeks were bright red and she spitts blood from her mouth. 'That brat! How dare you slap my y/n!' I don't know why, I feel this rage over me, but what I see amaze me even more, she still smiling and trying to made lady elizabeth smiling. 'She is one strong girl, and I can feel her soul radiating' hmm then I see she went to the garden with hannah.

"Claude! Let's see y/n, she must be hurt because that phantomhive brat." My master said.

"Yes, your highness"

At the garden

I see y/n were hurt and hannah trying to heal her with medicine.

"Y/n! Are you okay?! That damn phantomhive has slap you he had to be punish." my master said.

"Alois, calm down I'm okay." She smile to him and me.


"But that brat need to apologize to you."

"It's okay, you can go inside, it's time for lunch already. Besides you come to see me already makes me feel better!"

"Okay then, see you later." Then my master and I left.

I know that she's lying to my master, but why did she lie? My master can punish that damn phantomhive for her, alas she is indeed one unique girl.


It was dinner time, and yet y/n still asleep, guess she was tired from the event this morning. After dinner, she haven't wake up yet. Then I prepare my master for retire.

"Claude, please check on y/n. I'm afraid if she still hurt because that brat." my master said while yawning, it's unusual but for the first time, thanks brat.

"Yes, your highness."

I left the room and go to servant quarters to y/n room. When I walk into her room, I see that she's still asleep. Her face is so cute, I decide to observe her there untill she started to snuggling and wake up.

Y/n p.o.v

"Hoammm...." I wake up and to my surprise I see two pairs of golden eyes watching me.

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now