Second Decision: Leave

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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


"I want to.....

Suddenly the ground is shaking

"W-what is this?!" Everyone shocked

"It's the parallel world eclips, y/n! You have to go back first!" Lucifer said

"What?! No!"

"You have to! Or no you will dissapear and become pixel!" Lucifer said

"Y/n you protect us, now let's protect y/n!" Alois say

Everyone circling you and haikal

"Until the eclipse is done, then you can go back here my dear" your parents said

"But mom-

"There isn't much time, the ceiling are falling hurry!" Lucifer said

"No! You can't do this to me!" You tried to struggle, but haikal hold you down

"It's for the best" he said, you can't hold it, tears falling from your eyes

"I'll always pray for your happiness" sebastian said smiling

"I'll always waiting for you" will said smiling

"Don't forget me ok?" Grell said smiling

"Please! I want to stay!" You tried to struggle but failed

"We'll always use the feelings you give to us" the triplets said smiling

"Don't forget about taking care of the spiders kay?" claude said smiling


"Let's meet in our dream again.We love you. Sayonara" they all said then all around you begin shining.

"No! Please ! Please let me!" You said but it's to late. You are back to your time, the day your birthday was.

"No! Why! Why!....." you crouched down while crying, haikal try to comfort you.

"Shush, it's your birthday don't cry okay?" He said calming you down, but you can't. You don't want to go back here, you want to stay with them, no one loves you here. You spend your night at your room crying all night, haikal decided to stay seeing how your condition is.


"Y/n...." he said with a gentle voice and opened the door. He sit besides your crying body.

"Hey, enough kay, you can't cry all day like this. Tomorrow we have school. We sure can comeback later. Now rest okay, i'll prepare everything for you he said, patting your head and then left.

"How could i be okay if everything i love is gone", you mumble to yourself. Your eyes feels heavy, so you decided to sleep.


you lost all of your energy, you look like a zombie!

"Come on! Today is your fav lesson, math!( if you don't like it just pretend)

"hmmm" you just answer with that.

All day long you feel empty, your eyes were back go it colour, dull and lifeless than ever. Even when a boy ask you for fighting him, you decline it and it bring strange aura to them.

"What's wrong with her..." one of the boy whispering

"I don't know, but it strange that she like that" his friend say but they just shrug it off.

You just feel empty as ever! You hate in this state, but you can't just forget them, they you're family. You sigh out loud, before you arrive to your home, you stop at the river.

The golden sunset shining the river with a gentle light, that makes the river shine beautifully, your chest tighten and you feel want to let it out all.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" You scream letting all of your emotions, the bird are flying at the orange sky, you walk back home.

When you opened the door it was pitch black, it always like this, no one always waiting for you at home.

"I'm home..." you mumble to your self, then you turn on the lamp, in a flash your eyes grew wider. You can't believe what you have seen infront of you.

"Welcome home, kitten/butterfly/princess/hime/babe."





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