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Note: Above are  the picture of Nica and her butler.

Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


Y/n p.o.v

I stood there frozen, seeing who's behind the door, they are ...

Haikal p.o.v

I see y/n still standing infromt of the door and the guest haven't come in yet, then I walk closer to her and see y/n have a shock expression on her face and stood there frozen 'I wonder who is the guest' I think .

"Y/n who i-" I'm quite shock too when I see the guest , but then I regain my compusure back and growl to them. I grab y/n hand.

"Excuse me, but what do you want miss." I said with a fake smile and glare to the boy next to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry but is this what the phantomhive famous with their hospitality?" She said with a fake sad exspression, I squezee y/n hand more.

"If you don't have any bussines here, the exit is right there." I point out the gate.

"Oh how rude of you! To expel a guest who just came here." She shout a bit on purpose. I know, this woman is so tricky, I grith my teeth to restrain my anger. Then ciel and alois come along with their butler.

"What happened in here?" The earl said uninterested.

"This, one of your peasant just expel a lady who need help in the middle of a storm." She said with fake sad expression.

"But it w- eh never mind.you can come in." the earl say.

'It was sunny before, but why there suddenly a storm? I know this is her work. I won't let you lay a single finger on y/n or I kill you.' I glare at the woman, and she just smirk off.

"You must be earl ciel phantomhive, such a handsome boy with a handsome butler. I'm Veronica Rose, but just call me nica and this is my butler, he is Sean Rose." She bow to them to catch their attention 'I know what you up to bitch' I was disgust by her fakeness.

"Why you and your butler last name were the same?" Ciel ask.

"I'm the one who changed it." Nica said

"Okay then, sebastian please escort lady Nica and her butler to their room." Ciel said.

"Yes, master. Come right here m'lady." And they left, before they left I could see Nica smirking to Y/n as if saying 'I win'.

Then y/n start to speak,

"C-ciel i think I'm sick can I have a day off for today." I could see she still shock but she tried to cover it up, and her body still trembling.

"Yes, if it what makes  you feel better." Ciel said

Then she said thank you and run to her room. I had a bad feelings about this, and I couldn't see y/n at her state like this, I have to speak to every one in this household.

Y/n p.o.v

I shut my door closed 'No! This can't be, this can't be her! This is too fast, I'm not ready yet! I hate her, that michiveous face and her tricky attitude. Put yourself together y/n! You are stronger than her !' I slap my face so I can  calm down a bit.

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now