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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!

The vote for now we have:
Sebby: 1
Claude: 1
William: 1


William p.o.v

W-what is this?! Y/n.....! I have to go to her quickly.

I run from roof to roof and back to the circus

When i was in medical tent i see everyone gather around

"what happen?" I ask

"Y/n has recover now she is fine" haikal said

"Okay now everyone out let y/n rest!" Doc said

and everyone out

"Wait suit, could you stay with her awhile? I will search some medicine again so please stay here" he said and left

I sit beside her bed, i can see her breath were controlable again, then she stirred up

"Ugh....will?" She ask cutely


"What happened?"

"You have your asthma attack"

"Ohh..i think i'm dea- wait! I'm alive?! Yeah! I think i was dead already cause seeing angel infront of me!" She boldly say, there was an awkward silence, my face blushing and hers too she realize what she just say.

"Um.. yeah i mean.. yeah..." she scratched the back of her head

"Ehm, so y/n.. i wanna ask you something"

"What is it will?"


She looks so surprised at first but then she calm down

"So is it true?" I ask

"Yeah..." she hung her head down

"But y/n, you will-

"Will! Please! Keep this secret just the two of us i don't want the others know" she said while hugging me

"It will be safe if we tell the oth-

"Will... i beg you for this, i'm okay with it and i'm sure i will be fine, trust me i can change the fate " she grasp my torso tightly with watery eyes, but what made me amaze she still have the smile

"It's impossible!" I argue back

"Will, trust me. I can change it" she smile a sweet smile

"Okay, but please if something bothering you, tell me"

"Okie dokie" she cheerfully said

"Now rest okay?" I said and she answer it with a nod

Y/n p.o.v

I was on the medical tent bed, then there is someone coming, when i see that it was joker.

"Hey?" I confused he had a sad face on his

"I'm sorry y/n" he put his handkerchief to my nose and i pass out.

Joker p.o.v

"I'm sorry y/n" and i drug her then she pass out, then beast come in.

"Joker... we don't have to do this! We were happy like this! We can go away and live happy without worries!" Beast say

"But it was father order" i hung my head down

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now