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Hello guys, if you like my story please support me on https://trakteer.id/Meow-la-orsts I go by the name Meowla on there and I also put this link on my bio. Please give me your support so I can keep making and continuing all of this lovely story! Big love for you guys and enjoy reading!


Y/n p.o.v

It was so cold, my body shivering and trembling so much, but i still can see who is the one who throw the water to me, it was?

It wear some kind of joker costume (in card, not joker joker. Get it?) She wear a mask, and left like that. My body trembling so hard and my breath were uncontrol.

I don't want to go to my tent, so i sit on a branch of tree nearby. The snow were falling for the first time in this winter.

"It was beautiful...." my breath hitched, my head get dizzy because of the coldness that overwhelmed my body. I don't know what am i thinking, but is this my end?

Every thing looks so beautiful tonight, the snow flakes dancing in the air so freely, the forest nearby look so peacefully.

Everyone, everything , was so peacefull tonight. Tonight was a really peacefull night.....

Heh... what am i thinking.....

"EH! WAIT, WHAT.! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET! What am i talking ? If i die now i can't meet ono daisuke first, and i couldn't go to akihabara! And i'm not cosplaying yet! How-

'Oh shoot! My asthma'

My breathe become narrow, the wind blowing so hard now, my body shivering to death. before that, i see ciel were running with wet clothes, this must be the bath scene


oh dang it! Asthma attack


Yup maybe this is my end dang it!

Sebastian p.o.v

"My master , i brin-

Before i finish my sentence, i heard y/n cough so loud, she was under that tree?

"Young master, look! There's y/n" i pointed to where she is

My young master was so shock

"Sebastian, she was sick, i order you to bring her with me to the doc" he said while changing his clothes

"Yes, master"

Then i go to y/n direction with my master

I see her clothes were soaked?! What does she do? Does she take a bath in winter too? But....

I was shock by the realization that hit me, y/n couldn't stand cold?!

"Y/n!" I quickly stand by her side

"Seb *cough* i *cough* can't breath" she said while grasping tightly her chest. Her body was trembling, and she was getting so pale

"Y/n let's go" i said

"Ciel..." she said

"I will take him too" i said

I carried her bridal style, and i go to bocchan


He touch her forehead

"Sebastian, she was so cold!" He state shock

But i can feel it too, she just like a dead person

"Let's bring her back to the doctor" he said and off we go

The Fire Cat Empress [ Black Butler Boys X Modern Reader] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now