Chapter 24

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7 months later
Ariana pov
Me and Dean are having a baby!!!It's a boy and it's so fucking painful. The doctor said it would hurt more as I get bigger. And dean asked did I want to keep it. Honestly I wanted to say hell no if it's gonna hurt but I said yeah. He's been on the tour so I haven't seen him for months. I miss him so much. Everything about him.

He said he'll visit but I don't believe it. I haven't gotten in calls or text from him in months. I'm honestly scared he might not come back. But I don't know why I'm thinking like this.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Gosh I wish dean was here. He knows how to make me feel better. I felt the pain again but it was worse making me scream. I started crying a bit.... A lot.

"Ariana" I looked at the door and saw Dean. I don't have the strength to get up and hug him because this shit hurts. "You ok" he asked me. I nodded. He walked up to me and wiped my tears away. He rubbed my stomach. "2 more months and it'll be all better" he said. I felt the sharp pain again. "Oww" I cried out. He rubbed my stomach again. He kissed my stomach wispering soft and sweet words to me making me smile.

He came back up and kissed me. I kissed back wrapping my arm around  his neck. He climb on top of me. "Dean--" "It been 8 month. I need you" I pulled back. "I'm having a painful pregnancy" he sighed. "In 2 months when he's out. I'm going to fuck you and you can't stop me" he said. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Umm....ok" "I'll be in the restroom. I have to handle something" he said getting off of me and walking off. "Use something to shoot into" I yelled so he can hear me. "Fuck you" he yelled back. I chuckled. He'll be in there for a while.

Dean walked out of the bathroom and laid beside me. "Feel better" I asked. He playfully rolled his eyes. "I would've felt way better if I was having sex with you" he said. "Don't turn me on right now" I said. He chuckled. "Why haven't you been calling or texting me" "I broke my phone" he said. I nodded. I sighed rubbing my stomach. "You ok" he asked me. I nodded. "Have you thought of names" he asked. "No. Everytime I do. My stomach starts hurting like hell" "I think we should go back to the hospital. For a check up on this fella" he said. I nodded.

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I walked into the doctor office. Dean helped me on the bed. My stomach started hurting badly. I squeezed my eyes close tightly as pain shivered through my body. Dean grabbed my hand and rubbed my stomach with his other. "That's better" he asked. I nodded.  "Ms. Grande?" The doctor asked coming in. I nodded. He ran a few test on me. Sometimes he'll touch me and I'll feel weird. Dean will get mad at him. And he'll stop. Thank god.

"Ok. So I don't think you should be at home by yourself" the doctor said. "And some asprins it should help with the pain. The pain is normal for your first time having a baby" "It's not my first it's my 4th" "5th" dean corrected. "Oh. Well then, has it been along time" I nodded. "That's why.  I don't advice you to be by yourself" he said. "You can leave Ms. Grande and congratulations on your baby boy" he said and walked out. Dean walked over to me and helped me down.

"I'll ask Stephanie for some time off" he said. "No dean. I'll be fine that doctor didn't know what he was doing" I said holding my stomach. "Ariana. I don't wanna miss my baby birth" "Dean you want. If I have to hold it in I will" "No. I'm gonna take time off" "And leave Roman there by himself how stupid are you. Dean the WWE and your best friend needs you. I'll be fine. Just go back to WWE and ignore me again" I snapped. "I told you I broke my phone" I pulled his phone out of my back pocket. "Seems fine to me. The problem is that you blocked me" I threw him his phone.

"Ariana--" I groaned in agony. I swear I can't wait to get this damn thing out of me. "Are you ok" he asked rubbing my back. "Don't touch me" I said and stormed out.

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