Chapter Ten, Part Two

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There was then a knock on the door, and the butler, Dooley, or so she was told, cleared this throat, and said, "There's a del'very lad requestin' Lady Douro's presence."

Lexa raised her eyebrows just as Edward glanced at her with a wondering look. Lexa shrugged as if to say she wasn't sure either, but stood up, and walked towards the door. Edward followed in her stead, and Dooley led them to the drawing room where a boy, a redhead freckle-faced bonny child no less than eleven years. He looked at Lexa and Edward who entered, and said, scrunching up his nose with his finger, "A' ye Lady Dooro?"

Lexa nodded, and said, "I am indeed her. What's your name?"

"Bat," The boy produced a brown packaged from behind him, and handed it to her, "Doc'or Jenkins ask I to bring this to ye, Lady Dooro."

Lexa's eyes brightened brilliantly, and said, "Tell Dr. Jenkins that I thank him for sending the new pair of spectacles over to me. But I must ask: how did he know that I was in the Duke of Wellington's residence?"

"Yer wedding. Tis was on the scandal sheets," said Bat, "And me 'eard from the streets." Lexa smiled, kindly at Bat, and said, as she produced a few shillings from her dress pocket. Bat raised his hands and she handed it to him. he gave her a check smile and then was ushered out of the room by Dooley.

Lexa blew her breath, and opened the brown package to find a new burgundy leather case with the inscription JENKINS EYE-EXAMINER which she couldn't read and was blurry. she opened the case and took out the newly minted spectacles. she closed the case, and Edward asked, "When have you been wearing glasses."

"Since I can't read a word out of a book without them," said Lexa as she placed them on. she then lifted the case and the words of the inscription became clear.

"When did you start wearing them?" Edward asked, as he took her other hand in his. The touch of his hand sent a shock through Lexa and Edward was unaware of that fact. She felt herself blush, and said, throat clearing, as they made their way back into the library and Lexa answered as he released her. his withdrawal made her a bit disappointed. they went to sit back on the sofa, when Lexa cleared her throat and told him.

"I was thirteen," said Lexa, "Mother and Father brought us to church one Sunday, and we were reading from Matthew. I couldn't see the words well so i made up some of it. It was embarrassing, really. Father ha sent Dr. Jenkins as he wondered if my sight was becoming poor. Dr. Jenkins assured him that I merely needed reading spectacles. So...that's how I got it."

Edward looked at her and slowly smiled, the curve of his lips caused butterflies in her stomach.

Clearing her throat, Lexa asked, "Where's your father?"

"In Hampshire managing the estate," replied Edward, "He has been busy ever since we returned from America."

"And I haven't...." Lexa trailed deep in thought. "Why wasn't he at the wedding?"

Edward gave her an apologetic look and said,"I wrote to him, but matters at Straferid Saye is in need of management."

"Your Hampshire estate?" Lexa asked.

He nodded.

She scowled. "For someone who arranges his son's betrothal, he sure doesn't come to the wedding. While my parents saw me off."

Edward shrugged, "He is the duke," he said, "Once I succeed him, I will take over his duties."

"I haven't had a chance to speak to him. He and your mother."

Edward snapped and asked, "What of my mother?"

Lexa could feel the tension in his voice. She looked at him warily, and said, worried that she may have displeased him, "It's just...that I haven't met her yet."

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