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Hampshire, August 1884

It was a warm August afternoon for Lexa as she sat in the greenery of the Wellington Hampshire estate, admiring the roses that were in full bloom. The vibrant colours of roses gave off a fresh and fragrant scent. It was the perfect time for her to enjoy a cup of  Early Grey tea and biscuits.  Since arriving here, the garden has become a favourite of hers for being a rather calming place.

Miss Lyons pour her a cup and she picked up the delicate glass of china as she took a sip.

"The weather is quite lovely today, is it not, my lady?"

"Why of course," Lexa replied, "a cup of tea is a rather soothing relief."

"Then I'll leave you to enjoy your afternoon, my lady."

After Miss Lyons curtsied, she left and Lexa was alone as she ate her tea biscuits and read her book, which she picked out from the massive library that the Duke of Wellington. It was remarkable how many book had been shelved in that library. It had become one of her favourite places in the estate.

At the moment, she was reading Hans Christian Andersen's Little Mermaid. When she had discovered Andersen's collection of stories and poems, Lexa was overjoyed, which she excitedly told Edward, "I've always wanted to have his entire work in a library to myself."

Edward mused to himself and said "Well, the library  is yours now, my dear."

"I suppose it is," Lexa mused.

It had been a month since she and Edward came back to Hampshire. She was really enjoying her new country estate. It was so peaceful here. It was better than the bustle of London. Not that there was anything to say  about London, but really, she was a country lady.

As she looked away towards the gardens, Lexa mused to herself and wondered how her family was faring. Her parents often retired to the countryside once parliament's recess ended. She wondered how Anna was doing and whether Lucian would pursue to make her countess.

Lexa giggled to herself, and Edward looked at her, "Something funny?"

"Oh no," Lexa said, "I was merely thinking about Miss Keane."

Edward snorted. "Your brother is a fool."

Lexa frowned at her husband.  "Lucian is not a fool. He's merely besotted with Miss Keane."

Edward merely stared at her as if to reiterate the previous statement. "A besotted man is a foolish one, my dear."

Lexa glared at her husband's mockery of her brother. "That's rather insulting, my lord."

Edward gave her a knowing glance, "You know your brother better than I."

Lexa paused and nodded. Her brother was indeed rather foolish, but he was a fool in love. She merely hoped whatever scandal this caused, that Anna would not get dragged into it.

Lexa sighed to herself and her mind wondered.

Oh Anna, Lexa thought to herself, I do hope you are alright.

Whatever prayers Lexa held in her heart for Anna, Anna would surely be in need of it.


Lucian Herbert, Lord Herbert was sitting in front of his father, Earl of Pembroke. With this unfortunate turn of events, he had hoped that his father would forget about the confrontation but it would seem that Lord Pembroke, in fact, did not.

At the moment, all he could think of was Anna and how he desired to make sweet love to her. He wished to make her his wife and express how greatly he loved her. That she was his one and only love.

Clearing his throat, Lord Pembroke narrowed his eyes at his son and said, "Lucian."

Snapping his attention towards his father, Lucian merely looked at his father, who looked rather serious.

"Father," Lucian replied. What ever his father intended , he would not allow the earl to get wind of his infatuation to Anna.

"What are your intentions for Miss Keane?" His father inquired.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Do not treat me as a fool, boy. I know how well you think of Miss Keane."

I think of her more than well, Lucian thought. Of course he did not dare to say that.

"My intentions are nothing but sincere." Lucian replied. Clearly, his father would not let up from the matter. It would seem that he would have to be extremely careful around his father.

His father was doubtful. However, Lucian was being truly sincere. Miss Keane was an honourable woman that he intended to make his lady. After all, there would be no other.

In doing so, he was going to seduce her, his reluctant bride, into realizing that she was his and his alone.

But first, he needed to get away. "I would like to tour the Continent, Father."

Lord Penbroke looked at his son in surprise. "The Continent? Whyever for?"  he asked.

"I merely wish to travel," Lucian explained.

The earl looked at his son, but merely nodded. There was no way that he would stop his son from travel. "If you wish, then you may."

Lucian thanked him.


Anna could not sleep. She kept thinking about Lord Hebert as he departed for the Continent. Privately, he had came to her, cornering her in the hallway, where he openly flirted with her with such exquisite words.,

"My dearest Anna," he had said, "I shall miss you when I'm in tour."

With him being so close, Anna couldn't help but feel herself blush. He had be very close to her, and she had wondered if he heard the beating of her heartbeat.

"My lord," Anna had mused, "We can not be seen here."

"I know," he said. His breath was very close to her, it sent to shiver down her spine.

He had let go of her, his hand trailing down a strand of her hair. "I shall see you again my sweet Anna."

As he has left, Anna blushed even harder and went on with her chores, trying to forget what Lord Herbert had done to her heart.

Presently, Anna rolled to her side as she tried to sleep that night. But the beating of heart spoke of unfulfilled desires and a spark of romantic love. But Love was a dangerous game that she didn't want to play.

As her eyes closed, her mothers words from long ago haunted her in her dreams, "Always remember, lass. never trust what a man says, for he will break your heart...."

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