Chapter Three

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Dear coz,

How are you? I haven't heard much since you've turned one and twenty. I'm faring well. Mama has given birth to a new baby. It's a girl and we have named her Susanna Madison. She looks very much like dear old Dad, and everyone is delighted. Mama has constantly demanded that I write to you with the insistence that you come visit us. After all she wants Uncle Horace to see his newest niece. Anyhow, things aren't getting interesting here in Boston. Hope you can write back.



Edward paused to himself. He was in his bedchamber. The hour on his grandfather's clock struck quarter past noon and rays of the sunlight peeped its way into his room. With a fresh paper laid out, He was about to pick up his quill to ink when Collins opened the door, and said, "Lord Douro, ye have a visitor awaiting ye in the drawing roo

"Pardon?" Edward asked.

"Ye have visitor who wishes to see ye," repeated Collins, "She is most persistent in seeing ye."

"She?" Edward frowned, "Is it Lady Alexandra?

"Tis the Countess of Hereford, m'laird," replied Collins

Nodding, Edward said, "Tell Lady Hereford that I will be soon joining her."

Collins nodded, "Aye, m'laird."

When Collins left him alone in his room, Edward took a deep breath and pushed his chair back as he made his way from his desk to the door. Closing the door behind him, Edward wondered to himself what the Countess of Hereford wanted from him. Even though he was acquainted of the Earl, they weren't close as Henry was to him.

She was sitting in the drawing room when Edward spied her sipping elegantly on her tea. She was a lovely auburn hair lassie, wearing a dark blue dress. Her green eyes flashed to him and she gracefully stood, and curtsied to him.

"Lady Hereford," said Edward, "This is a pleasant surprise."

"Pleasant surprise indeed, my lord," replied Lady Hereford, as she sat down.

Edward sat in the armchair in front of her and said, "So Lady Hereford, what has brought you to see me?"

"A certain curiosity," replied Lady Hereford, "to see the man who is engaged to my best friend, Lexa."

"Your best friend Lexa?" Edward asked.

"Why Alexandra," she said, "Though I call her Lexa as a nickname."

"Lexa," said Edward smiling, "It suits her."

Lady Hereford smiled wickedly, "You fancy her, don't you?"

"Have you come here to only interrogate me on behalf of Alexandra?"

"Lexa," she corrected. Then she said, "Of course I would. She did the same for me. So I wanted to see you and now I know the truth."

"The truth?"

"You'll make her happy."

"My lady," said Edward smiling, "I am utterly flattered that you compliment me."

"I think we'll get on just fine as friends so we must go pass all formalities and just call me Caroline."

"Caroline," said Edward, "Alexandra was quite right about you. We'll be fine friends, and therefore, you must call me Edward."

"Edward," said Caroline, "why do address Lexa as Alexandra? You sound like her mother."

"Wouldn't her mother be calling her by her full name?"

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