Chapter 1: Returning Home

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Bill opened the curtains to his new home as he let the light from the sun illuminate the inside of the house and opened the windows out to the balcony in front of him as he walked out on it and looked out below him where a beautiful view of Venice Italy and the river stood before him as people crowded the sights and boats in the river. Bill stared at the view as a gentle breeze brushed through his black and gold hair. He sighed before he turned and went back inside his home he floated to a piano that sat in the living room close to the window where the balcony was. He floated onto the bench as he sat there and gently brushed his gloved hands over the keys of the piano. He took one of his hands off the keys and gripped the raindrop shaped gem that was clipped on his signature bow tie. He hung his head slightly before he looked up at a picture that laid in front of him on the piano. In the picture was Mabel and Dipper smiling as they spread their arms out in a happy pose while directly behind them was Bill and (Y/N), Bill had pulled (Y/N) into a kiss as she stared at him in shock in the picture. Bill gently picked up the picture and stared at it for awhile before he softly chuckled "it's been exactly 4 years without you, honestly it feels like centuries. I don't think I'll ever be the same." Bill softly said as he put the picture down and floated up from the bench. He slowly looked around at the empty house. "This all would've been perfect if you were here with me." Bill whispered to himself.

Somewhere in California inside the home of the Pine twins Mabel was upstairs In her room standing in front of a mirror trying to decide which one of her many sweaters she wanted to take in her suit case since she only had room for one more. Mabel sighed as she went to her bed and rustled through the sweaters that laid spread out on her bed before she caught sight of a sweater that was blue and in the center of it was a sapphire colored Raindrop. Mabel slowly picked it up as she held it close to her as she hugged it. Mabel began to tear up slightly as she held the sweater tighter. "4 years and it's still not the same knowing she's gone. We miss you cousin (Y/N) and high school is going great so far hopefully it'll be the same when Summer ends. I know no summer will really be the same because that's when we lost you." Mabel said as she took a deep breath. "Mabel! Come on or we'll miss our bus to Gravity Falls!" Dipper yelled from down stairs as he picked up his luggage and waited by the door. He put the hat on that Wendy had given him and in the center of the hat a blue Pinetree was sewed neatly on it and inside the Pinetree was a small sapphire raindrop. "Don't make me say it again Mabel come on the bus is almost here!" Dipper yelled as he looked at his watch. "Hold you're horses Bro I'm coming! I just needed to decide which sweater to take since I had room for one more." Mabel said as she raced down the stairs. Dipper looked at Mabel's sweater as he noticed the RainDrop on it. It took a lot but he looked at Mabel with a half smile as she half smiled back at him. Dipper opened the door as the bus laid outside waiting for them. Dipper looked at his watch then at Mabel. "Ready?" Dipper asked. "No...but..lets do it." Mabel said as they both grabbed their pages and walked out of the house as they closed the door behind them.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Gravity Falls cemetery, Ford and Stan stood before a tombstone as Ford kneeled down to place a bookay of blue roses in front of it. The tombstone read '(Y/N) (M/N) Pines.' Ford stood up as him and Stan stared at the tombstone with great sorrow. "It's been 4 years and I still can barely handle the sight of this tombstone. It's not fair. (Y/N) should be here with us not rotting in the ground." Stan said slightly angry as he pulled out the old dance party planner notebook that he had given (Y/N) the week of the dance. It had her name on it and under her name a small raindrop was drawn on the cover. Stan stated at it with great sadness in his eyes. Ford put his hand on Stan's shoulder as he sighed. "I know Stanley I miss her just as much as you do but she gave her life to save Dipper we should just be proud of her, she matured into a great woman." Ford said as he pulled out a journal that looked exactly like his previous journals that Bill had burned only this time in the center of the golden six fingered logo was a sapphire Raindrop. He opened it and wrote something down real quick before closing it and putting it away on his jacket. "Come lets go Soos is waiting back at the shack for us we should go prepare for the kids when they get here." Ford said and he tapped Stanley's shoulder and walked away. Stan took one last look at the notebook in his hand before he put it away and took one last look at the tombstone. "Wish you were here with us, it's just not the same without you. I at least hope wherever you are your happy. You deserve that much." Stan said before he placed his hand on the tombstone and took it off as he followed Ford out of the cemetery.

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