Chapter 33: A Sacrifice

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"Are you crazy!" Bill yelled at Spiky Hair Bill. "It's crazy but it'll work! The only way to kill Midnight once and for all is too trap a human soul inside her! Long enough for us to finish her, because an immortal can't be immortal if the power she obtains is used against her and your girl being human and as stubborn as she is can reverse Midnights power and use it against her from the inside giving us a moment to strike. But the price for that is we'll lose both people." Spiky hair Bill said as Bill gave a angry look. "NO! I lost (Y/N) to death once and I'm not gonna lose her again! This is a plan so there has to be another way! Besides (Y/N) wouldn't be able to do that because she's not human anymore I thought I made that clear!" Bill yelled in frustration. "She doesn't have to be in order to use what I can do because while inside Midnight she'll use her ability against her." Spiky hair Bill said as Bill gave him a look. "You mean that power that she has to change a human into a demon and then the reversed effect?" Bill asked. "Exactly. But the only one who can use what I have to get someone in there had to have been human at some point regardless. Obviously we aren't human both in heart and soul and That guy over there obviously isn't human so the only other candidate is your girl." Spiky hair Bill said. "No. Now show me how this works. Other options aren't negotiable Now show me." Bill said as Spiky Hair Bill didn't question it as he began to show Bill what he could do.

Both (Y/N)'s fought effortlessly and Valiantly as they had Midnight on the edge of her confidence in winning this fight. It was Almost impossible to keep up with the two warriors. Both (Y/N)'s were about to deliver a blow to Midnight but stopped in their tracks as did Midnight. Midnights body began to struggle almost as though she was being controlled by something. "Do it now woman!" Spiky hair Bill yelled as both (Y/N)'s looked back at him. Female (Y/N) noticed something off to her. "Where's MY Bill?" She asked as spiky hair Bill gave her a look, "Seriously! We don't have time for this! Do it now!" Spiky Hair Bill yelled. "What did you do to him!" (Y/N) yelled before she heard a sudden voice in her head. "My Love Listen to him. I can hold Midnight back for only so long. Hell this power of hers is starting to try and age me but I can't say it won't be doing the same to her. Hhahahah." Bill laughed. (Y/N) looked back at Midnight who began to struggle. "So your stopping her from the inside huh, Well get ready to make your way out of her so I can deliver The final blow." (Y/N) said as she lifted her sword. "I'm sorry but that won't happen. It can't happen...because if it does she won't die. We won't be completely rid of her unless she's dead and since she's immortal, well this is the only way to do it." Bill said as (Y/N) hands begin to tremble along with her sword but she kept a calm front but that didn't fool her counterpart. "Bill stop messing around and follow my lead." (Y/N) said with a slight shaky voice. "I wish this were a joke because then that would mean I could be with you for eternity just like I wanted. But these immortal cells won't destroy themselves ya know, that's why I'm the disease to do it. But they're quickly regenerating so you have to do it." Bill said as (Y/N)'s eyes began to water up as her face cringed from refusing to accept what Bill was saying. "If I do This You'll die too, won't you?" (Y/N) asked. "Heh, That's my Raindrop, I can't get anything past you..But Yes." Bill said calmly. (Y/N) threw down her sword and stood before Midnight who continued to struggle. "I refuse to do this! If your gonna die! What the Hell Bill! Huh! Tell me was everything you told me about wanting to be with me just a joke to you!?" (Y/N) asked Angry. "Of course not! I Love You (Y/N) and I meant everything I said even now I still mean it but Neither of us can live happily until this woman is dead! NOW DO IT! I DON'T MIND BITING THE DIRT BY YOUR HANDS MY LIVE NOW PLEASE DO IT!" Bill yelled.

"NO!!! I WONT BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU!! I LOVE YOU TOO BILL MORE DEEPLY THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE WHICH IS WHY I CANT DO IT!! I WONT LOSE YOU! I WAS TERRIFIED TO LOSE YOU WHEN YOUR HAND TURNED TO STONE AND IM STILL TERRIFIED NOW!!! Bill please Don't do this." (Y/N) pleaded as she tried her hardest to hold back her tears. "Not to be a jerk but that feeling that you have right now, is exactly what I felt the years that you were gone. Ya know I was naturally Cold and bitter and took joy at other peoples expense but then..You showed up. A woman with a very sad past that could break anyone shows up to Gravity Falls like a beautiful Innocent Angel who's spirit was never broken, then we met. I thought I could make your smarts and skills useful to me but little did I know this woman would soon mean everything to me. Never have I once bothered with that silly human emotion called Love but you soon made that impossible. Everything I did, every action I took, My thoughts never once wagered on you because you were what filled them. I finally had the world in the palm of my hand, every person bending to my will, The people worshiping me like a king then you made me realize You were the only world I wanted." Bill said as (Y/N)'s tears began to escape her eyes. "Bill. Please." (Y/N) said with a shaky voice.

"Last Time You helped me and protected me. I believe it's time I returned the favor. You deserve that much. I'm sorry (Y/N) I know you've been alone your whole life and want someone who would stick by you no matter what. But I'm gonna be leaving you alone. I'm immensely sorry because that's the last thing I wanted to do. But if it'll keep you Alive and safe then that's one regret I'll gladly live with." Bill said. "YOU JERK I THOUGHT WE HAD A DEAL!! YOU CANT JUST WUSS OUT ON ME RIGHT NOW!  NOT NOW!! PLEASE BILL! DONT MAKE ME DO THIS!! I WONT DO IT!! BILL PLEASE! Don't...Don't Leave me here Alone." (Y/N) said as she fell to her knees and punched the ground and cried. "Goodbye My Beautiful Raindrop. I'll never forget you. I wish you lots of happiness in your future. One regret I can't live with is knowing I won't be your happiness. I Love You (Y/N) (M/N) Pines and I say this with a heavy heart but Thank You for entering my colorless life and bringing such beauty to it. I'm glad I was immortal long enough to meet you...Goodbye." Bill said. "Rot In Hell." Midnight weakly said to Bill. "That's where you will Rot bitch." Spiky hair Bill said as he spit on the ground and looked at Midnight. "I may not like him but I agree with him." Bill said laughing. Suddenly A shot was fired and Midnights head fell back along with the rest of her body as it harshly hit the ground. (Y/N) with tears in her eyes slowly looked where the shot came from and her eyes laid on Male (Y/N) who held his rifle as the end of it slightly steamed from the bullet that escaped it. He had finished off both Bill and Midnight. "I'm sorry but She was my target and She needed to be dealt with." Male (Y/N) said as (Y/N) stood up and grabbed him by his cloak and looked at him with hateful eyes that were streaming with tears. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME! THERE COULD'VE BEEN ANOTHER WAY!" (Y/N) yelled as she shook Male (Y/N). Male (Y/N) grabbed her hands and looked at her with a angry face as well as tears in his eyes as well. "YOU DON'T THINK IT WAS HARD FOR ME TO DO THAT! I HAVE A BILL BACK IN MY DIMENSION WHO I LOVE JUST AS MUCH AS YPU LOVE YOURS! YOU DON'T THINK PULLING THAT TRIGGER WAS HARD FOR ME WELL IT WAS!! I KNOW WHAT YOUR FEELING! LOSING THE PERSON WHO MEANS THE MOST TO YOU! I KILLED MY BEST FRIEND BECAUSE MY TWISTED ARROGANT SELFISH FATHER MADE ME! SO DON'T THINK FOR A SECOND THAT WAS EASY TO DO BECAUSE IT WASN'T! It wasn't. I'm sorry for your loss but at least for him. Live on with him here. I'm sure he'd Love that." (Y/N) said as he pointed at Female (Y/N)'s chest where her heart rested. At that moment (Y/N) broke down and cried and screamed out gripping Male (Y/N) cloak as she cried. Male (Y/N) gently pulled her in for a hug and held her as she continued to cry out. Spiky hair Bill stood there as he watched before he looked away in great sorrow. Bill was gone, he wasn't coming back and how was (Y/N) gonna break this news to her family? No one could be certain.

Only 3 Chapters left. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, thank you all for just being absolutely Awesome and stay Awesome Like The Badass Wonderful Bosses You Are And I Will See You All In The Next Chapter!! BYE! BYE! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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