Chapter 29: Why

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(Y/N) and spiky hair Bill stood in a corner away from everyone as they watched little (Y/N) and her Bill interact with some aristocrats as well as the guests of the party. Spiky hair bill just stood there next to (Y/N) with his arms crossed with a very pissy annoyed face. suddenly a random well dressed gentlemen approached them and asked (Y/N) to dance but she politely denied him and the man left leaving her alone. "How many is that? Like the 59th one to ask you to dance. Your just flowing with popularity aren't you. Why not dance so they'll stop asking." Spiky hair Bill scoffed annoyed as (Y/N) gave him the same expression he delivered to her. "For one i don't dance and for two I don't know anyone here and prefer to do something that makes me uncomfortable with someone who makes me comfortable thank you very much." (Y/N) hissed at Spiky hair Bill while he gave her a pissed expression. "You mean that puny insignificant naive Triangle who is dumb enough to think a pathetic excuse for a demon like you actually love him." Spiky hair bill hissed back at (Y/N) and that comment very much upset her and that resulted in her yanking him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him outside  to the balcony as she threw him down onto a bench, forcing him to sit down and she closed the doors leading out to the balcony before turning toward spiky hair Bill.  "You listen here you little shit! Say what you will about me but talk that way about MY Bill and i'll make sure you regret it! and as far as I can tell for someone who is suppose to be Bill Cipher you sure as hell suck at knowing all when you can't even know someones feelings toward someone else! I may not have admitted it before but i'm admitting it now I Love My Bill with every fiber of my existence and I would never do anything to hurt him! Make no mistake of that! MY FEELINGS FOR HIM ARE VERY REAL!!!! And i'll be dammed if some asshole who I just met tells me otherwise! I may look like that wench you once associated with but i'm nothing like her! I would never hurt My Bill the way midnight hurt you!!!" (Y/N) yelled with such anger in her voice it caused her to pant a little.

Spiky hair Bill stared in surprise as he still held his annoyed expression on (Y/N). She then took a deep breath and squinted the middle of her eyebrows with her index finger and thumb before removing them and letting out a sigh. She looked at him as he sat there. "Look, I'm frankly tired of people  acting like they know me when I'm still trying to understand parts of myself  even I can't seem to understand. I didn't mean to snap the way I did but you had no right talking about him the way you did when he's not even here to defend himself. I'm not your enemy and your not mine, Midnight is. But keep acting this way and we'll become enemies." (Y/N) said as she calmly sat next to him and he scooted over allowing her to.  A long moment of  silence filled the air before spiky hair bill spoke. "You sure know how to make a 360 on your behavior woman. I definitely didn't expect you to snap at me the way you did and then turn around and apologize for it. I was right about your innocence that's for sure. Now tell me, You say you love your Bill but will you still love him after this?" Spiky hair Bill said as he suddenly grabbed (Y/N)'s face and without hesitation he sloppily kissed her while he held her face with both his hands. Wide-eyed, (Y/N) immediately pushed him off and slapped him. "Are you kidding me right now!" (Y/N) yelled as spiky hair Bill stood there and took a moment as he was shocked, but not by the slap that was delivered to him, But by this sudden hunger he felt this sudden weird feeling he had. 'Oh no' he thought, that kiss triggered something inside him and he knew soon he was gonna regret it but he didn't care because at this moment, this Bill had to have this woman right in front of him for himself. He immediately grabbed her again and went in for another Kiss but this time he restrained her hands with his own and forced his tongue inside her throat muffling her protesting words. (Y/N) bit his tongue hoping it would get him off of her but it only aroused him as he continued to kiss and lick the inside of her mouth. "(Y/N) baby, keep going." He demanded as he continued to kiss (Y/N).

Since he was being overly aggressive to where (Y/N) could barely move or breathe, she opened the palm of her hand and snapped her fingers as her weapon appeared and floated behind Spiky hair bill who was unaware of the sword he was about to get in his back. But that didn't happen considering spiky hair Bill was pulled off of (Y/N) by little (Y/N)'s Bill who smiled at her and helped her up while he held spiky hair bill by his collar. "For someone who acts like a big shot you sure were playing the roll of a animal in heat a little too well just now." little (Y/N)'s Bill snickered as spiky hair bill got out of his hold and growled at him before he turned toward (Y/N) and bowed before her. "My apologies Milady, I didn't intend to eavesdrop but I heard your annoyed cries through your mind and came to aid you. I hope your alright madam." little (Y/N)'s Bill said as (Y/N) angrily wiped her mouth and glared at spiky hair Bill. "More or less. Thank you." (Y/N) responded.  "Oh I had almost forgotten, I know you were assaulted just now but may I give you something if you'll please turn around Milady. You have my word that I won't wont touch you unless you allow me to. Unlike a certain someone." he snickered as he glanced back at spiky hair Bill who continued to glare back at him. "I suppose so." (Y/N) said as she turned around and waited for him to do what he was gonna do to her. Little (Y/N)'s Bill gently moved (Y/N)'s hair, revealing the back of her neck and gently applied something to the engraved cipher wheel on that rested there. The cut that scratched Bill's hand on the cipher wheel had disappeared and suddenly healed. "huh? What did you do?!" Spiky hair Bill asked. (Y/N) felt around her neck and was surprised to feel the cut Midnight had made was gone. She looked at little (Y/N)'s Bill as he smiled at her. " My apologies, I couldn't help but notice this mark on the back of your neck while i was measuring you and I have the same symbol imprinted on my mistress on her hand and it doesn't have that unnecessary mark on it like yours did, so I thought I'd help you get rid of it by applying this ancient healing ointment I acquired hundreds of years ago from ancient Italy." Little (Y/N)'s Bill said with a softening smile.

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