Chapter 34: Without You

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(Y/N) didn't need the enhancer after all, because Male (Y/N) could travel freely through dimensions so he agreed to take them back to their original dimensions. Spiky hair Bill approached (Y/N) cautiously considering She was of course mourning the loss of the only man she Loved. He tapped her shoulder as she slowly turned to him with a sad and calm face. "Here..He wanted me to give these to you. He wanted me to also tell you he Loves You Very much and Shooting Star Gave him this notebook when you were gone. He said he trusts it more with you then himself." Spiky Hair Bill said he handed (Y/N) a notebook and the ring Bill used when he proposed to her. (Y/N) became shaky at the sight of the ring as she slowly reached for it and gently took the ring and notebook out of his hand. (Y/N) snapped her fingers and a black chain appeared, she waved her hand and it put itself through the ring and chained itself around (Y/N)'s neck. She touched her new necklace before she silently turned away and walked as The other Bill followed. "I should've said Yes. Looks like we'll both have something to regret." (Y/N) mumbled to herself before Male (Y/N) made a tear with his scythe and all three of them left through it as it closed behind them.

"Where could they be! They're gonna end up giving me a heart attack!" Stan said pasting back and forth. "I'm sure they're fine Gruncle Stan we just have to have Faith they'll come home." Mabel yelled with slight worry in her voice. "She's right Stanley I'm sure they're fine we just have to wait for them to get back. (Y/N) is capable enough to handle herself and she has Bill with her I'm sure she'll be fine." Ford said trying to comfort Stan. "NO! Stop it Ford, You can't be serious! Are you telling me you don't feel this uneasy frustrating feeling inside?! Something is wrong and i don't know what it is but I definitely don't like it." Stan yelled as he continued pasting. "Look Stan I-" Ford said before he was cut off by a sudden tear that opened in the middle of the shack and 3 People stepped out before the tear closed. "Wow, I can't believe it you actually obtained the Gleeful Twins without any casualties befalling this dimension." Male (Y/N) said as he slowly turned to (Y/N) and his smile disappeared, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder as her head still hung in shame. "Listen, If you ever need a new place to start over..your welcomed to come with me in my dimension, with your skills you could be head of the Berserk Vanguard and protect the city of Olympus, or you could be placed with me in my quarters as the King's new council woman." Male (Y/N) said as suddenly (Y/N) took his hand gently off her shoulder and shook her head. "I didn't know you were a King, I'm flattered your highness but I'll have to decline your much as a part of me wants to..I have too much here that's worth so much it'll be impossible to just forget it all." (Y/N) said as Male (Y/N) gently cuffed her face and made her look at him as he greeted her with a smile. "I understand, just know the door is always open if you ever change your mind. I'm also sorry to say but this won't be the last you see of me in the slightest. Midnight and these gleeful twins have caused so much trouble in the multiverses it's my job to make sure that never happens again. So I'll take them off your hands." Male (Y/N) said as he opened another tear and waved his hand as the cage floated into the tear with gleeful twins in it. "(Y/N)!" Everyone yelled as they all ran to her about to glomp her in a big hug but spiky hair Bill stood in their way and shook his head telling them not to. " Hello, Bill cipher from another dimension nice to meet ya, Look she's going through something and I don't think tackling her with a hug will help much." He said as Ford and Stan circled him, While ford was fascinated by him and Stan was just plain weirded out. "OH Hello Will how have you been? Haven't seen you since the destruction of your dimension How are things holding up?" Male (Y/N) asked Will as he responded shaky. "A-Alright..T-They could be better Y-Your h-highness." Will responded as he suddenly caught female (Y/N)'s face filling up with tears. Will immediately went over to her. "M-Miss!? W-What's wrong A-Are you Alright?" Will asked as everyone's attention went on Female (Y/N). Stan gently pushed spiky hair Bill aside and approached (Y/N) and stood in front of her as will backed away. Stan stared into (Y/N)'s watery eye's with a sad and worried expression on his face.

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